Events of 9th and 10th Muharram
Hazrat Abbas (R.A)
Several times Hazrat Abbas (R.A) asked Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) for permission to go and fight. Each time Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) would reply “Abbas, you are the captain of my army; you are my Alamdar - the Standard Bearer.”
Hazrat Abbas (R.A) would never argue with Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A). His three brothers were killed in the battle fought after Zuhur. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) could see the anger in Hazrat Abbas (R.A)’s eyes. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) knew that if he let Abbas go and fight; there would be a massacre in the enemy rank. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A)'s object was to re-awaken Islam and not to score a victory on the battlefield.
Just then Hazrat Sakina(A.S) four year
old daughter of Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) came out holding dried up leather bag . She walked up to Hazrat Abbas (R.A) and said “Al Atash, Ya Ammahu! I am thirsty O my uncle Abbas!” Hazrat Abbas (R.A) went to Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) and requested for permission to go and get water for Sakina. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) gave his permission.
Hazrat Abbas (R.A) put Sakina’s Mashk on the Standard (Alam), mounted his horse and rode up to Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A). He said “I have come to say goodbye.” Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) said “My brother, come and embrace me.” Abbas dismounted his horse. There were tears in Imam’s eyes. As Abbas prepared to mount his horse, Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) said, “My brother, I want a gift from you. I want your sword.” Abbas, without uttering a word, gave Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) his sword and rode into the battlefield, armed only with a spear and holding the Alam.
Now note this majestic scene!
A lone warrior, alone by himself, advances against a host. The number of men who guarded the river bank was four thousand (4,000). They had all heard of the valor of Abbas. A cry arose, “Abbas is coming!” Yazid’s soldiers started hiding behind one another. A few brave ones dared go near
Hazrat Abbas (R.A) but were soon put to death by the spear or by a kick.
He descends along the river bank Euphrates (Furaat) and leads his horse into the water. First, he fills the water skin (Mashk) that he has brought and lays it on his shoulder. He himself was very thirsty. The air is hot and has been fighting. But as he sits on the back of his horse and the horse stands in water reaching up to its belly, he lowers his hands into water, takes water into them and raises them
somewhat towards his sacred lips.
Those who were watching from a distance report that he hesitated for a while. Then they saw that he threw the water back and came out of the river without drinking any. He placed the Mashk on his Alam and started to ride back. A soldier climbed a tree and as Hazrat Abbas (R.A) was riding past the tree he struck his sword on the right shoulder
and the arm fell on to the ground. Just then someone crept behind Abbas and struck him on the left shoulder. The Alam fell down. Abbas gripped the Mashk with his
teeth. His only object was to get the water to Sakina. Fighting with his feet he urged the horse to get him to Imam’s camp as quickly as possible.
Alas! An arrow was shot. It went flying across the desert and hit the Mashk. The water began to pour out and with the water all the hopes of Abbas poured on to the sands of Karbala to be buried forever in the thirsty desert. Abbas
now did not want to go back and face Sakina. With his feet, he signaled the horse to turn back. The enemy surrounded him from all sides. Abbas fell from the horse! As
he fell, he cried out “Salaam to you my Master ” Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) seemed to lose all his strength when he heard the voice of his dear brother Hazrat Abbas (R.A).
When Hazrat Abbas (R.A) left to go to fetch water, Imam stood at the gate of the camp watching the Alam. Hazrat Sakina (R.A)
was standing next to Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) (R.A) ,also with her eyes fixed on the Alam. When Abbas reached the river bank and bent down to fill the Mashk, the Alam disappeared from sight. Hazrat Sakina (A.S) was frightened
and looked at her father. Imam said, Sakina, your uncle Abbas is at the river bank. Sakina smiled and said, ‘Al Hamdulillah!’ and called out all the children to welcome Hazrat Abbas (R.A). When Hazrat Abbas (R.A) lost both arms, the Alam fell onto the ground. Sakina could not see it any longer! She looked at Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A), but he turned his face away. Sakina began to tremble with fear and her eyes filled with tears.
Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) reached where Hazrat Abbas (R.A) was lying. It was a tragic sight. Hazrat Abbas (R.A) was lying on the ground.
Both arms had been severed! There was an arrow in the right eye and blood blocked the left eye. As soon as Hazrat Abbas (R.A) sensed the presence of Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) he said “Maula, why did you take the trouble to come over? Please go back and look after Sakina.” Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) said, “My dear brother, all your life you have served me and my children. Is there anything I can do for you at this last moment of your life?” Hazrat Abbas (R.A) replied, “Maula, please, clean the blood from my eye so that I can see your beloved face
before I die!” Imam cleaned the blood. Hazrat Abbas (R.A) fixed his gaze on Imam. Then he said, “Maula please do not carry my body to the camp. I do not wish Sakina to see me in this state!” Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) took Hazrat Abbas (R.A) in his arms, and kissed his forehead. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) said “O Abbas I also have one request for you, I have never heard you call me brother, for once I would like to hear you call me brother.” Hazrat Abbas (R.A) , with his dying breath called out “My brother”, Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) (pbuh) cried “O Abbas my beloved brother what have they done to you? Who is now left to fight by my side now?” Just then the Thirty four year old Hazrat Abbas (R.A) son of Imam Ali (pbuh) breathed his last. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) placed Sakina’s Mashk on the Alam and carried the Alam to the camp. He went to Zainab’s tent. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) could
not say a word. He gave the Alam to Zainab and sat down on the floor!
Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)
After Hazrat Abbas (R.A), came the turn of Ali Akbar, to go to the battlefield. The battle drums of the enemies were now getting louder and louder. It is reported that this eighteen year old son
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Tomb of Ali Akbar (R.A) |
was so very much loved by one and all in the camp that the account of his taking leave of his aunts, sisters,brothers and other relatives is so pathetic that none can resist shedding at least a few tears over the heart-rending event.
When Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)went to the battlefield, and faced the enemy with all
the bravery that he inherited from his Grandfather Imam Ali (pbuh), it is reported that the enemy forces were so much amazed at his resemblance with the Holy Prophet that such of those who had
seen him before, wondered if the Holy Prophet (pbuh) had reappeared in the world to help his dear Grandson Hussain. People were so anxious to have a look at the enchanting beauty of the youth that those in the rear of the enemy’s ranks, mounted on the horses and camels, even stood on the backs of
the animals to have a look at the matchless and the wonder striking beauty of this son of the Holy Imam.
son of Saad’ told his troops not to listen to Ali Akbar, and ordered them to attack him.
fought them with great skill, and killed many of them. Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)received several wounds, and was losing
a lot of blood. The thirst was getting more unbearable. At the moment he longed to see his loved
ones for the last time.
Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)turned his horse back towards his camp. He found his aged (57) father standing at the
entrance of the tent; watching the battle between his beloved thirsty son and the enemy. Holy Hussain
congratulated his son and then said “I am sad that I do not have any water to give you.” Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)met
each and every one of his family. They were all in tears because they knew that this time he wasn’t
coming back alive.
It was not long before Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) heard the painful cry from the battlefield. Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)fell with a
fatal wound in his chest. He called out to his father to come to him quickly. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) went
towards his son; and found him lying in a pool of his own blood. When he saw his son he cried out
“Here I am my son, please talk to me.” Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)was in great pain, the broken end of the lance was
sticking out of his chest, and blood was gushing out. Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)died in his father’s arms. God alone
knows what a patient heart the Holy Imam had been endowed with, which never gave way against any
catastrophe even that of the loss of such a son. The Holy Imam stood looking at his son dying before
his eyes and lifting his head towards Heaven said:
“Lord! It will be quite sufficient for your Hussain
if you accept this sacrifice and if you pleased with
this humble offer.”
Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) lifted Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)carefully, as if
protecting him from any more pain. He cried all
the way back to his camp.His mother's name was Laila who daughter of Abu Murra & the cousin of Yazid. she was not alive at the time of Karbala.
Hazrat Ali Asghar (R. A)
When Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) (pbuh) stood all alone in the battlefield surrounded by the enemies, he was called from his sister Zainab in his camp. When he went into the tent, he found his six (6) month old baby son Ali Asgher, dying of thirst in his cradle. And the poor mother Rubab, whose milk had dried up by the continuous thirst and hunger, could not help the baby with even a drop of milk. Telling the mother that he would show the baby to the enemy and get somewater for it if they give it, Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) took the babe to the battlefield by covering with his robe and
raising it up in his arms to enable everyone in the enemy’s forces to see it, and said:
“O People! If, in your opinion, Hussain is guilty of any sin or crime, this innocent babe has done nothing to hurt any one of you. It does not even speak.He is dying of thirst. He had neither milk nor water for the last three days.
Would you quench his thirst by a few drops of water? If you suspect that I demand water for myself in the name of the babe, then I will leave it here, if you want, and go easy and you may return it with his thirst quenched.”
It is reported that the address of the Holy Imam and the scene, with the thirsty innocent babe in his hands, was so touching, so pathetic and so heart-rending that even the men in the enemy’s army could
not help weeping and cursing the Yazid and his Deputy ‘Ubayd Allah son of Ziyad’, Governor of Kufa,who had gathered them there against such Holy ones. ‘Umar bin Saad’, fearing a revolt of his forces, at once ordered a
stonehearted brute named Hurmula to answer
Hussain. The tyrant, shot a arrow from his bow which after piercing through the Imam’s arm got stuck into the tiny neck of the innocent Ali. Blood gushed out of
his neck and splashed on to Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A)’s face. Ali Asgher died in his father’s arms with his smiling face.
Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A)walked back to the camp weeping with Ali Asgher in his arms. At the door he waited for a moment and then turned back, this he did seven times as if he was building his strength to face the mother of the baby who had been so brutally murdered.
Rubab looked at her husband’s face covered in blood and cried out “What have they done to
my son, did they even give him a drop of water before they killed him?” Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) said “I pleaded
with them to give him water, but instead they drenched him with blood.” Rubab said “Please bury
Ali Asgher with your own hands.” Hence he sat down to bury his baby son in the burning sand of the desert, by digging a grave using sword. After that he looked up and said. “O Almighty God bear witness that I have done my duty to the last.”
To read complete events of Karbla please click on this link
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