Events after Imam Hussain(R.A)
It was after Asr on the day of Ashura. Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) lay dead. The earth had trembled! Furaat had broken its banks! From the camp of the family of the Holy Prophet such lamentation arose as had never been heard before!
His body was subjected to the ultimate insult of being trampled by the hooves of horses. And this was done to the Grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)!
The soldiers looted every tent. Hazrat Fatima’s daughters were left bareheaded.
Hazrat Sakina’s ear-rings were pulled off her ears, splitting her ear lobes. The little girl was slapped. They set fire to all the tents. Hazrat Zainab (R.A) gathered everyone and waited outside, while their tents burnt down. When the fire was out, they took shelter under one of the tents which had not been completely destroyed.
As the night descended, Hazrat Zainab (R.A) gathered all the ladies and children, into one small space in between the gutted tents. Imam Zainul Abideen lay on the ground surrounded by these widows and orphans.
There was no fire, no light. Only the moon cast its dull light.
‘Umar bin Saad’ asked Hurr’s widow to take some food and water to the ladies and the children. As she neared to where they were resting, Hazrat Zainab(R.A) recognized her. She stood up, went towards Hurr’s widow and offered her condolences for the death of Hurr. This gesture on the part of Hazrat Zainab (R.A), who had suffered so much, lost so many, and carrying so much grief in her heart, is a lesson in Islamic ethics
which the world should never be allowed to forget.
Hazrat Zainab (R.A) took the jug of water. She went to Sakina who had fallen into a fretful sleep. Gently she stroked the girl’s disheveled hair. Sakina(R.A) opened her eyes. Hazrat Zainab said, “Here is some water, Sakina(R.A) . Please drink a little. You have been thirsty for so long!” On hearing the word ‘water’
Hazrat Sakina (R.A) cried out hopefully, “Has my uncle Abbas come back?” When she was told that Hurr’s widow
had brought the water, she got up, went to Hurr’s widow, thanked her and then asked Hazrat Zainab(R.A) : “Have
you all drunk water?” Hazrat Zainab (R.A) shook her head as no. Hazrat Sakina asked, “Why then do you ask me to drink water?” Hazrat Zainab (R.A) said, “Because, my dear, you are the youngest.” Hazrat Sakina (R.A) replied, “No! No! Ali Asgher is the youngest!” Sakina took the jug of water, ran towards where Ali Asgher lay buried, crying “Wa
Asghera! Wa Asghera!”
This was how the homeless spent their night in Karbala. They had lost everything. Their men had died. Their children had been martyred.
The night of calamity passed away and the ladies of Hazrat Imam Hussain’s household were made captives the next day.
Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (pbuh) was sent towards Kufa hands and feet clasped together in iron and wearing a barbed iron collar and made to walk barefoot on the hot desert sand, even though he was sick. The caravan passed through the battlefield where the bodies of the martyrs lay without shroud, mixed in dust and blood. It was here that
Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (R.A) would have died of grief. He turned a pale yellow. Hazrat Zainab (R.A) consoled
her nephew, “Be patient! What am I
witnessing? You are the Imam of the time.”
She reminded him of the tradition of Holy
Prophet (pbuh) to Umm-e-Aiman which
had explained the divine covenant.
At the front of the caravan the guards carried
spears with the heads of Hazrat Imam Hussain
(R.A) and his loved ones. Some children
died along the way, and their bodies were left in the desert. By the time they reached Kufa .The caravan reached the court of Ubayd Allah bin Ziyad on the 12th of Muharram 61 Hijra. Ubayd. The speeches of Zainab (R.A) where she commented on the faithlessness
and cowardice of the Kufees made them cover their faces in their clothes in shame & misery.
But when some of the people saw the head of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) on the spear they turned their heads and
started to cry. Ubayd Allah son of Ziyad ordered the prisoners to be taken to the prison next to the palace
Hazrat Zainab (R.A) and other prisoners continued to tell the people about
what had happened in Karbala. on 21st Rabiul Awwal, 61 Hijra, on Wednesday the caravan
reached Damascus.
The captive prisoners were finally taken to Yazid’s palace.
Yazid sitting on the throne with a stick in his hand and was repeatedly striking the parched lips of Imam Hussain’s severed head placed in a tray before him, and called on his ancestors (who were killed by the Muslim army in the battle.
Hazrat Zainab (R.A) said By God! O Yazid, by killing Hussain you have not torn but your own skin and you have not cut but your own flesh. You will be brought to the Prophet with the crimes of spilling the blood of his children
and humiliating his family.
In the mean time a Syrian pointed towards Sakina and sought her for slavery. Hazrat Zainab (R.A) protected her from his advances. And shouted furiously, “O Yazid have you lost all of your sense of shame?
You want to make the Grandchildren of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) slave?” Yazid shouted at
Zainab (R.A) “I am the truthful one; God is pleased with my victory. He has humiliated your family and caused death of your brother Hussain.” Hazrat Zainab was very angry at Yazid. She said ,'' It is my brother Imam Hussain (pbuh) who by shedding his blood in Karbala has made sure that evil men like you would not be allowed to destroy Islam. The victory is not yours. The victory is of Imam Hussain (pbuh). The victory is surely of Islam!”
Yazid was amazed at how this lady after all that she had gone through could talk to him like this.
He thought that Imam Zainul Abideen would be an easier target for his insults, as he looked sick to be able to answer him back. He turned to Imam Zainul Abideen and said, “Well, who do you think the
winner of this war is?”Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (R.A) replied, “Yazid, victory can only belong to those who are
on the right path. Look at you, and then look at my father Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A). My father, who you
ordered to be killed so brutally was the Grandson of the Prophet (pbuh), Yazid you are the Grandson of Abu Sufyan, who was an enemy of the Prophet (pbuh) and Islam just as you are.”
Yazid was so angry that he ordered the prisoners to be taken away immediately and put into the prison. As soon as the prison doors were closed they started saying their prayers to thank God. In the prison it was so dark that you could not tell, whether it was day or night. The days were so hot that it was difficult to breath. And the nights were so cold that Sakina’s toes would turn blue. They had nothing to sleep on but the bare floor.
One night Sakina suddenly started to cry in her sleep. she said that she saw her father in her dreams .Everybody started to cry so much that the noise reached Yazid . He asked the guards
Imam Hussain (R.A) ’s head be taken to Sakina (R.A) in order to keep her quiet. The guards brought the head.
When Sakina (R.A) saw her father’s head, she
hugged it. All the ladies were stricken with grief. Sakina
complained to her father . Suddenly Sakina stopped complaining
and was completely quiet. Sakina, the loving daughter of Imam Hussain, passed away, in the dark, lonely dungeon.
Imam Zainul Abideen (R.A) buried her in a small grave in one corner of the prison.
All the ladies sat by Sakina’s mother Rubab and cried.
Sakina will finally be able to sleep on her father’s chest once again.
After the death of Sakina(R.A) , the people of Syria started to question Yazid about the prisoners. Many felt that they had already spent so long in prison . What crime had they committed to deserve such treatment. Yazid realized that if he did
not do anything, the people would turn against him. He made arrangements
for the prisoners to be brought to the palace court. Many people were invited . When everybody was seated, an announcement was made that the great Grandson of the
Prophet was entering the court. When Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (R.A) walked in everyone stood up. Even though the chains had been removed, he could hardly walk. His neck, hands and feet were deeply cut and bleeding. His back was bent because of the way he had been chained. But there was dignity in his
Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen and the rest of the ladies and children then go back to Madina. They went back to the prison to say goodbye to Sakina. When they arrived in Karbala in 40 days; they sat by the graves, crying and remembering that tragic day on the tenth of Muharram Finally, after saying goodbye to their martyrs they started the
journey back to Madina. When the caravan reached Madina, Hazrat Zainab (R.A) visited the grave of her Grandfather, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). She sat by his grave and complained, with tears in her eyes.
One of the tortures of Syria is about the prison in which household of Holy Prophet (pbuh) wereimprisoned for approximately a year.
A man by the name of Noaman went to Madina three years after the events of Karbala. He saw the Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (R.A) standing near the grave of the Prophet weeping and complaining to the Prophet about the ill-treatment that Imam and the other members of the Prophet’s family had received. Hazrat Imam Sajjad(R.A) remained in this position until when he fainted and was then taken by his followers to his house.
Noaman went to Hazrat Imam Sajjad (R.A) house. Then asked the Imam what was the most difficult time he had to face
in Karbala and during his imprisonment to Kufa and Damascus. The Imam said, “Syria! Syria!
Syria!”and then explained that in Syria Shaam the family of the Prophet was treated like animals and presented to the court of Yazid like slaves. In this way people of Madina were to see him mourning
for his father from then till his death some thirty five years later at the age of fifty seven .
He held regular mourning session in his house. Those who attended these sessions would then be served with food in the name of his father, Hazrat Imam Hussain(R.A).
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yazid palace |
His body was subjected to the ultimate insult of being trampled by the hooves of horses. And this was done to the Grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)!
The soldiers looted every tent. Hazrat Fatima’s daughters were left bareheaded.
Hazrat Sakina’s ear-rings were pulled off her ears, splitting her ear lobes. The little girl was slapped. They set fire to all the tents. Hazrat Zainab (R.A) gathered everyone and waited outside, while their tents burnt down. When the fire was out, they took shelter under one of the tents which had not been completely destroyed.
As the night descended, Hazrat Zainab (R.A) gathered all the ladies and children, into one small space in between the gutted tents. Imam Zainul Abideen lay on the ground surrounded by these widows and orphans.
There was no fire, no light. Only the moon cast its dull light.
‘Umar bin Saad’ asked Hurr’s widow to take some food and water to the ladies and the children. As she neared to where they were resting, Hazrat Zainab(R.A) recognized her. She stood up, went towards Hurr’s widow and offered her condolences for the death of Hurr. This gesture on the part of Hazrat Zainab (R.A), who had suffered so much, lost so many, and carrying so much grief in her heart, is a lesson in Islamic ethics
which the world should never be allowed to forget.
Hazrat Zainab (R.A) took the jug of water. She went to Sakina who had fallen into a fretful sleep. Gently she stroked the girl’s disheveled hair. Sakina(R.A) opened her eyes. Hazrat Zainab said, “Here is some water, Sakina(R.A) . Please drink a little. You have been thirsty for so long!” On hearing the word ‘water’
Hazrat Sakina (R.A) cried out hopefully, “Has my uncle Abbas come back?” When she was told that Hurr’s widow
had brought the water, she got up, went to Hurr’s widow, thanked her and then asked Hazrat Zainab(R.A) : “Have
you all drunk water?” Hazrat Zainab (R.A) shook her head as no. Hazrat Sakina asked, “Why then do you ask me to drink water?” Hazrat Zainab (R.A) said, “Because, my dear, you are the youngest.” Hazrat Sakina (R.A) replied, “No! No! Ali Asgher is the youngest!” Sakina took the jug of water, ran towards where Ali Asgher lay buried, crying “Wa
Asghera! Wa Asghera!”
This was how the homeless spent their night in Karbala. They had lost everything. Their men had died. Their children had been martyred.
The night of calamity passed away and the ladies of Hazrat Imam Hussain’s household were made captives the next day.
Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (pbuh) was sent towards Kufa hands and feet clasped together in iron and wearing a barbed iron collar and made to walk barefoot on the hot desert sand, even though he was sick. The caravan passed through the battlefield where the bodies of the martyrs lay without shroud, mixed in dust and blood. It was here that
Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (R.A) would have died of grief. He turned a pale yellow. Hazrat Zainab (R.A) consoled
her nephew, “Be patient! What am I
witnessing? You are the Imam of the time.”
She reminded him of the tradition of Holy
Prophet (pbuh) to Umm-e-Aiman which
had explained the divine covenant.
At the front of the caravan the guards carried
spears with the heads of Hazrat Imam Hussain
(R.A) and his loved ones. Some children
died along the way, and their bodies were left in the desert. By the time they reached Kufa .The caravan reached the court of Ubayd Allah bin Ziyad on the 12th of Muharram 61 Hijra. Ubayd. The speeches of Zainab (R.A) where she commented on the faithlessness
and cowardice of the Kufees made them cover their faces in their clothes in shame & misery.
But when some of the people saw the head of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) on the spear they turned their heads and
started to cry. Ubayd Allah son of Ziyad ordered the prisoners to be taken to the prison next to the palace
Hazrat Zainab (R.A) and other prisoners continued to tell the people about
what had happened in Karbala. on 21st Rabiul Awwal, 61 Hijra, on Wednesday the caravan
reached Damascus.
The captive prisoners were finally taken to Yazid’s palace.
Yazid sitting on the throne with a stick in his hand and was repeatedly striking the parched lips of Imam Hussain’s severed head placed in a tray before him, and called on his ancestors (who were killed by the Muslim army in the battle.
Hazrat Zainab (R.A) said By God! O Yazid, by killing Hussain you have not torn but your own skin and you have not cut but your own flesh. You will be brought to the Prophet with the crimes of spilling the blood of his children
and humiliating his family.
In the mean time a Syrian pointed towards Sakina and sought her for slavery. Hazrat Zainab (R.A) protected her from his advances. And shouted furiously, “O Yazid have you lost all of your sense of shame?
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yazid palace |
Zainab (R.A) “I am the truthful one; God is pleased with my victory. He has humiliated your family and caused death of your brother Hussain.” Hazrat Zainab was very angry at Yazid. She said ,'' It is my brother Imam Hussain (pbuh) who by shedding his blood in Karbala has made sure that evil men like you would not be allowed to destroy Islam. The victory is not yours. The victory is of Imam Hussain (pbuh). The victory is surely of Islam!”
Yazid was amazed at how this lady after all that she had gone through could talk to him like this.
He thought that Imam Zainul Abideen would be an easier target for his insults, as he looked sick to be able to answer him back. He turned to Imam Zainul Abideen and said, “Well, who do you think the
winner of this war is?”Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (R.A) replied, “Yazid, victory can only belong to those who are
on the right path. Look at you, and then look at my father Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A). My father, who you
ordered to be killed so brutally was the Grandson of the Prophet (pbuh), Yazid you are the Grandson of Abu Sufyan, who was an enemy of the Prophet (pbuh) and Islam just as you are.”
Yazid was so angry that he ordered the prisoners to be taken away immediately and put into the prison. As soon as the prison doors were closed they started saying their prayers to thank God. In the prison it was so dark that you could not tell, whether it was day or night. The days were so hot that it was difficult to breath. And the nights were so cold that Sakina’s toes would turn blue. They had nothing to sleep on but the bare floor.
One night Sakina suddenly started to cry in her sleep. she said that she saw her father in her dreams .Everybody started to cry so much that the noise reached Yazid . He asked the guards
Imam Hussain (R.A) ’s head be taken to Sakina (R.A) in order to keep her quiet. The guards brought the head.
When Sakina (R.A) saw her father’s head, she
hugged it. All the ladies were stricken with grief. Sakina
complained to her father . Suddenly Sakina stopped complaining
and was completely quiet. Sakina, the loving daughter of Imam Hussain, passed away, in the dark, lonely dungeon.
Imam Zainul Abideen (R.A) buried her in a small grave in one corner of the prison.
All the ladies sat by Sakina’s mother Rubab and cried.
Sakina will finally be able to sleep on her father’s chest once again.
After the death of Sakina(R.A) , the people of Syria started to question Yazid about the prisoners. Many felt that they had already spent so long in prison . What crime had they committed to deserve such treatment. Yazid realized that if he did
not do anything, the people would turn against him. He made arrangements
for the prisoners to be brought to the palace court. Many people were invited . When everybody was seated, an announcement was made that the great Grandson of the
Prophet was entering the court. When Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (R.A) walked in everyone stood up. Even though the chains had been removed, he could hardly walk. His neck, hands and feet were deeply cut and bleeding. His back was bent because of the way he had been chained. But there was dignity in his
Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen and the rest of the ladies and children then go back to Madina. They went back to the prison to say goodbye to Sakina. When they arrived in Karbala in 40 days; they sat by the graves, crying and remembering that tragic day on the tenth of Muharram Finally, after saying goodbye to their martyrs they started the
journey back to Madina. When the caravan reached Madina, Hazrat Zainab (R.A) visited the grave of her Grandfather, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). She sat by his grave and complained, with tears in her eyes.
One of the tortures of Syria is about the prison in which household of Holy Prophet (pbuh) wereimprisoned for approximately a year.
A man by the name of Noaman went to Madina three years after the events of Karbala. He saw the Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen (R.A) standing near the grave of the Prophet weeping and complaining to the Prophet about the ill-treatment that Imam and the other members of the Prophet’s family had received. Hazrat Imam Sajjad(R.A) remained in this position until when he fainted and was then taken by his followers to his house.
Noaman went to Hazrat Imam Sajjad (R.A) house. Then asked the Imam what was the most difficult time he had to face
in Karbala and during his imprisonment to Kufa and Damascus. The Imam said, “Syria! Syria!
Syria!”and then explained that in Syria Shaam the family of the Prophet was treated like animals and presented to the court of Yazid like slaves. In this way people of Madina were to see him mourning
for his father from then till his death some thirty five years later at the age of fifty seven .
He held regular mourning session in his house. Those who attended these sessions would then be served with food in the name of his father, Hazrat Imam Hussain(R.A).
To read complete events of Karbla please click on this link
previous (part 9)...........................
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