Hazrat Ali (R.A)
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Roza Mubarak -Hazrat Ali (R.A) |
The fourth khalifa of Islam, Hazrat Ali (R.A), was the son of Abu Talib, an uncle of the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). He belonged to the tribe of Banu Hashim. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was born in Makkah ten years before Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) became the Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) took him under his care and protection from a very young age. As he was brought up in the house of the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), he was his constant companion. When the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) invited people to accept his mission, Hazrat Ali (R.A) was among the first few who responded to his call.
Hazrat Ali (R.A) learnt reading and writing from a very young age and through his close association with the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), soon became a learned person.
He learnt the Holy Quran by heart during the life time of the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) values. Hazrat Ali (R.A) married with Hazrat fatima (R.A) who was daughter of Holy prophet (PBUH) From birth till death, he led a simple life. Fie had no servant and his wife, Fatima would grind com with her own hands. He was honest, truthful, humble and generous. He was a brave soldier who fought many battles. For his bravery, he earned the titles of Asadullah, the lion of God and Haider-e-Karrar, the warrior whom nobody could match.
Hazrat Ali (R.A) was known for his wisdom and learning. He had a deep knowledge of religious matters and the first three khalifas and Hazrat Ayesha respected his understanding of complicated religious matters. He was known as the Gate of Knowledge, as the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) himself confirmed when he said “If! am the city of knowledge, Ali is its gate. ”
He was one of the scribes of the revelations received by the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). He would also write letters dictated by the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), and maintained a record of what he heard from the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).
At the time of the Holy Prophet’spbuh migration to Madinah, Hazrat Ali (R.A) remained in Makkah to return to the people the valuables entrusted by them to the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) for safe-keeping. When the Holy Prophet’spbuh house was surrounded by his enemies, just before his departure for Madinah, Hazrat Ali (R.A) was asked by the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) to occupy his bed while he himself escaped unnoticed and unhurt.
As soon as his work was done, Hazrat Ali (R.A) joined the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) at Quba, a village outside Madinah. At the time of mawakhat, i.e., declaring a Muhajir to be the brother of an Ansar, he declared Hazrat Ali (R.A) to be his brother. He gave his youngest daughter, Fatima, in marriage to him.
Hazrat Ali (R.A) took part in all the battles fought during the life time of the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) except the Tabuk Expedition in which he stayed back in Madinah as the Holy Prophet’spbuh deputy. In all the battles, he showed great bravery, especially in the battle of Khyber. He was present when the Treaty of Hudaibiya was signed and acted as a scribe. He was also present at the time of the death of the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). He was one of those who washed the dead body and lowered it into the grave.
During the khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Ali (R.A) took part in the defence of the Muslim state when some people rose in revolt. He was a constant adviser and helper of Hazrat Umar in the administration of the state. When H azrat Usman was surrounded by enemies, Hazrat Ali (R.A) ordered his son, Hazrat Hassan to keep a watch over his house. After the assassination of Hazrat Usman there was terror and confusion every where. For five days, the state was without a khalifa. Thereafter, the people of Madinah persuaded Hazrat Ali (R.A) to accept the khilafat.
After becoming the khalifa, Hazrat Ali (R.A) had to face many difficulties. It was at this time that Muslims began to fight against each other. The first battle fought during his khilafat was the Battle of Camel near Basra, Iraq. It was fought against Hazrat Ayesha and a few companions of the Holy Prophetpbu!l who were demanding the punishment of the assassins of Hazrat Usman.
The second battle, known as the Battle of Siffin, was fought between Hazrat Ali (R.A) and Muawiya, a companion of the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). It was during this battle that a section of Hazrat Ali (R.A)’s army deserted him. They came to be known as the Kharjites.
The third battle was fought between Hazrat Ali (R.A) and the Kharjites. This is known as the Battle of Nahrawan. After the battle of Nahrawan, Kharjites wanted to take revenge for their companions who were killed in the battle.
In the 40th Hijri, some of the Kharjites decided to kill Hazrat Ali (R.A). On the 18th of Ramazan, while he was leading the morning prayers, he was attacked with a poisonous sword by a Kharjite, Ibn Muljim. The wounds proved fatal and he died on the 21st of Ramazan. He did not name anyone as his successor and left the choice to the people.
Hazrat Ali (R.A) was a model of Islamic values.
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