Hazrat Usman ghani (Razi –Allah tallah – Anhu) -The third caliph of Islam (early life) and martyrdom
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Hazrat usman'sgrave |
Hazrat usman ghani (Razi –Allah tallah – Anhu) was the third caliph of Islam. He was born at Taif in 516 A.D. His kuniat was Abu Abdullah and Abu Amar . He became third caliph after Hazrat Umer farooq (R.A) .
He belonged to Banu ummayah . His ancestral lineage joins that of holy prophet at the fifth place . His full name is Usman ghani. He was extremely wealthy .He used his wealth in charity and released slaves so he was famous the name of Ghani. His mother’s name was Arwa bint kuraiz. His father’s name was Affan. Two daughters of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) were married to Hazrat usman ghani (Razi –Allah tallah – Anhu) one after the other . so he was also called Zunno-rain.
He was married to Hazrat Ruqayyah(A.S) at Mekkah . She accompanied him when he migrated to Habsha . she gave birth his daughters and son abdullah.she was not well during the battle of badar . So Hazrat usman ghani (Razi –Allah tallah – Anhu) did not take part in the battle of badr.
Hazrat usman ghani (Razi –Allah tallah – Anhu) was required to look after her in accordance with the advice of the Holy prophet. She died in the month of Ramazan ,2 A.H.Hazrat Umm-e – kalsoom who was married to him after the death of Hazrat Ruqqayya but she bore no child.He had one son Abdullah and seven daughters. His son died at the age of six.
Hazrat usman ghani (Razi –Allah tallah – Anhu) accepted Islam at the invitation of Hazrat Abu –bakr . Hazrat usman ghani (Razi –Allah tallah – Anhu) embraced Islamwithout any hesitation .He professed the faith of oneness of Allah and attasted prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) from the core of his heart .
After embracing Islam he was punished a lot . His uncle whose name was Hakimbin al-aas prisoned him He was beaten very severly .
So he migrated to Habsha with his wife and other muslims .He was first emigrant in the way of Allah .He also go to Makkah as an ambassaderof Islam He went there to inform Quraish that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) had reached at al-Huda. He(PBUH) had no attention to launch any war against Quraish . His purpose was only to perform pilgrimage .But his retured twas late and a rumour began to spread that he had been martyred along with ten other members of his delegation. The holy prophet therefore ,took the oath of allegiance from all to take revenge of the rumoured martyrdom of Hazrat usman ghani (Razi –Allah tallah – Anhu) , However . the rumour turned to be false later on .
Hazrat usman’s martyrdom
While Hazrat usman (R.A)was busy setting the deteriorated conditions aright , the rebles of basra ,koofa and Egypt were busy in attacking Madina . After the Hajj in 34 A.H ,three groups of the rebles who had entered Madina under the pretext of Hajj , stayed out of Madina and busied themselves inexecution of the plan for killing Hazrat Usman(R.A) .
A few days after Hazrat usman (R.A) was stoned by the opponents when he was addressing the congregational audience On Hazrat Ali’s(R.A) advice Hazrat usman(R.A) deputed 60 Muhajirs and Ansar to persuad the rebles to leave Madina .
A few days later rebles from egypt again enterd Madina Quite unexpectedly. On an enquiry by Hazrat Musalima ,the rebles reported that they had found a government messenger carrying an order of Hazrat usman addressed to the governor of Egypt advising him to kill all rebles. But Hazrat usman said that he was un aware of all this matter. He orderd his well-wishers to keep quite and not to use force to kill his opponents simply to avoide shedding the bloodof muslims for his sake
It was Friday when Hazrat usman changed his clothes and observed fast . He freed twenty slaves . Hazrat imam hussain , Abdullah bin zubair and Muhammad bin muslim with some other sonsof the companions of the prophet wer keeping guard at the main gate of his house .
when the rebles found nopossibility of entering the house some of them jumped in frromthe backwall . They found Hazrat usman reciting the Qurran .
They hesitated to attack him . However , Muhammad bin Abi bakr , who was one of caliph’s deadliest enemies ,caught his beard and began to abuse him. Hazrat usman asked him toleave his beard saying ‘ O my dear son ,o my brother ,had your father been alive he must have reprimanded you for his inhuman act”. Another man came forward and kicked away the holy Qurran .
Then kanana bin baser wounded the fore head of the caliph with an iron rod. He fell down and and lay unconscious .Blood began to flow profusely and got even sprinkled over the holy Qurran. Soon after another reble sprang on his beard and stabbed him several time. The caliph’s wife Hazrat Naila , rushed to save her husband.In the ensuing scuffle her three fingers were chopped off . Thereafter another person pounced upon the caliph and gave him the last fatal blow.
This event tookplace on 18th Zilhaj ,35 A.H . The whole of madina was then under the control of rebles Due to the riots and unrest none dared to come out of his house . The dead body of the caliph remained lying for two days . Then about 17 persons dared to arrange hhis funeral . The dead body was neither given the last bath nor wrapped in coffin . It was buried near Jannat –ul –baqie complete silent and secrecy .The grave was leveled with the ground so that the rebles may not find any trace of it Hazrat usman was of eighty two years when martyred .He remained in office for twelve years .
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