Modes of revelation on Muhammad (PBUH)
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Cave Hira |
The noble Qura’an is, in fact, the Divine Word. secure in the Preserved Tablet. Then, from the Preserved Tablet, its descention took place twice. Once, the whole of it had been sent to Al-Bayt al-'lzzah, the most exalted House on the firmament of the world. The most exalted House (also known as al-Bayt al-Ma'mor) is a House facing Ka'bah that exists in the firmament as the place of worship for angels. This descention took place on the Night of Qadr.
The second gradual descention which was on the heart of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) began when his age was forty years in cave hira. The beginning of this descention, was in the Night of Qudr.
Forms and modes of revelation Wahy(revelation) used to come to the Holy Prophet(PBUH) in several forms and modes.
First mode of revelation
Shaykh Muhyy al- in ibn al -r a bhi said that the sound of Wahy(revelation was continuous like the sound of a bell which did not break off in between.when the bell rings continuously, it generally becomes difficult for the listener to determine the direction of its sound because its sound seems to be coming from all directions. And the Divine Word too carries with it the distinction that it has no one single direction, in fact, the sound gives the impression of being heard from all directions. A correct realization of this phenomenon is just not possible without auditory experience, however, in order to bring this happening closer to common comprehension, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has simply likened it to the sound of bells. With the descent of Wahy in this mode, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) came under very heavy strain.Hadith
Hazrat 'A'ishah (R.A)says that Hazrat Hiirith ibn Hisham(R.A) once asked the Holy Prophet(PBUH) as to how did revelation come to him.
The Holy Prophet(PBUH) said that
]'there are times when I hear something like the chiming of bells and this mode of Wahy is the hardest on me. After that, when this chime-sequence ends, that which has been said by the sound seems to have been committed to my memory. And there are times when the angel appears before me in the shape of a man. "
Al –Bukhari: 2/11
With the descent of Wahy in this mode, the Holy Prophet(PBUH) came
under very heavy strain.Description of Hazrat 'A'isha(R.A)
Hazrat 'A'isha(R.A) says towards the end of this very hadith that she had seen the coming of Wahy to him during days of extreme winter. When the progression of revelation ceased, his blessed forehead would have already become dripping-wet inspite of the chilly weather. When revelation came to him, his breath would seem to stop, the radiant face would change -- turning pale like the branch of a date palm, the front teeth would shiver from cold and he would perspire so much that its drops would roll like pearls.
Al-Itqan ,1/46
Description of Hazrat Zayd ibn Thabit (R.A)
In this state of revelation, so much intensity would be generated that the animal he would be riding at that time would sit down,
wilting under his weight. Once, when he was resting his blessed head
on the lap of Hazrat Zayd ibn Thabit (R.A), there started the
descent of revelation in that very posture. This released so much weight on
Hazrat Zayd ibn Thabit (R.A)’s thigh that it seemed to break.
Description of Hazrat Umar (R.A)
(Zad-al-ma’ad 1/18,19)
Hazrat Umar (R.A) says:
"When Wahy came to him(PBUH), a sound somewhat similar to the buzzing of honey-bees could be heard close to his most bright face".
Kitab al-Sirah al-Nabaviyah, 20/212)
Second mode of revelation
Under the second mode of revelation, an angel would come to him in some human form and deliver Allah's message. Generally, on such occasions, Hazrat jibrail(A.S) used to come to him in the form of Hazrat Dihyah al-Kalbi (R.A). Certainly, at other times, he has come in other forms as well. In any case, this mode of the coming of revelation when it was brought by Hazrat Jibrail(A.S) appearing in human form, was the easiest on the Holy Prophet(PBUH) .
Third mode of revelation
The third mode of the coming of revelation used to be that Hazrat jibrail(A.S) would appear as he was, without having taken on the shape of a man. But this has happened only thrice in his entire life-time.First of all, it was when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had himself wished to see him in his real form and shape.
The second time, it was in the Mi'rSj (the Ascent to Heaven), and the third time it was at Ajyad in Makkah al-Mukarramah during the very early days of prophethood.
Fourth mode of revelation
The fourth mode is distingushed by a direct, non-intermediary, two-way conversation with Allah Almighty. This honour was bestowed upon the Holy Prophet(PBUH) only once, that is, in Mi'riij, while awake. In addition to that, once it was in a dream as well that he was in a conversing situation with Allah Almighty.Fifth mode of revelation
Under the fifth mode of revelation , it so happened that Hazrat jibrail(A.S)
, without appearing physically In any form
whatsoever, let some words of the message fall into his heart.
Source: Ma’ariful-Qura’an:4-7
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