Stories from Qurran

Why Hazrat Musa (A.S) was thrown in river Neil


Musa (A.S) was thrown in river Neil

Hazrat Musa (A.S) was born during a year in which they (Fir`awn's people) were killing all of the male children.Some one told Fira'wn that one new born male baby from those baby who would born in that  particular day became cause of his destruction.
So Fira'wn ordered his servants to kill all male babies who were born that particular day.The first was inspiring his mother when she was breastfeeding him and she feared that Fir`awn and his chiefs would kill him. 
 So she placed him in a case and cast him into the river Neil. The river carried him away and she became grieved and distressed,.So the river carried him to the home of Fir`awn. Then the people of Fir`awn picked him up, that he might become for them an enemy and a cause of grief.This was a destined matter that they were killing the male children of the Israelites for fear of Hazrat Musa (A.S) 's arrival.But Hazrat Musa (A.S) would not be raised except upon Fir`awn's own bed. He would be sustained by Fir`awn's food and drink, while receiving the love of Fir`awn and his wife. And there, an enemy of Allah and an enemy of Hazrat Musa (A.S) shall take him. And Allah endued him with love from Him.Then Hazrat Hazrat Musa (A.S) was not nursed by any woman.Hazrat Musa’s sister reached there by chance and said that she would show them one who would nurse him' So Allah restored  to his mother, that she might cool her eyes.When he was accepted into the house of Fir`awn, women were brought in attempts to find someone who might be able to nurse him. But he refused to breast feed from any of them. So she took him and they went with her to his real mother. When her breast was presented to him, he took it and Fir`awn's family were extremely happy for this. Thus, they hired her to nurse him and she achieved great happiness and comfort because of him, in this life and even more so in the Hereafter.


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