Prayer is the first duty of a Muslim. The Quran mentions prayer at many places and lays great emphasis on maintaining regular prayers. The Holy Prophet(pbuh) called prayer a pillar of religion. Therefore, the sin of not praying is great.
It may be made in the heart but it is say it in these words: “I intend to offer two / three /four rakaat of prayer Farz / Sunnat / Nafal of Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha (as the case maybe) for Allah, the Most High and I am facing the Holy Ka ’abah. ”
This belief and faith that Allah will help us, gives us relief from worries and anxieties of life. Prayer is a sign of expressing our faith in Allah and obedience to Him.
Those who follow the Imam are called Muqtadis. The Holy Prophet(pbuh) and his companions used to offer prayers in congregation. The Holy Prophet(pbuh) did not miss it even when he was very ill. He condemned those people who did not go to the mosque to offer prayers after hearing the Azan. About the merits of the congregational prayer, the Holy Prophet(pbuh) said that the reward for these prayers is twenty-seven times more than prayers offered alone at home.
Offering prayer five times a day in congregation wins us the favour and blessings of Allah. It promotes love, affection and brotherhood among the Muslims. It plays a great part in the unification of the Muslims. The gathering of all Muslims living in the same neighbourhood five times a day in the mosque helps to establish healthy social relations amongst them.
This gathering becomes wider in the weekly Friday service in which people living in the same locality participate and still wider at the time of festivals. Thus, congregational prayers promote social relations between the different sections of the Muslim community. Praying together gives us a feeling that Muslims are one Ummat. When the rich and the poor stand together behind the Imam and follow him, it shows equality of all human beings before Allah. Differences of colour, wealth and status disappear and an atmosphere of equality and fraternity prevails inside the mosque. Thus, Islam by levelling all differences brings about love and union of humanity.
Gathering together for prayers in the mosque gives us a chance to meet and understand other Muslims. We can also help each other to do good things in . This will enable us to build a strong and stable Muslim community. Funeral Prayer A funeral prayer is performed for every dead Muslim, even for those infants who have lived for a few minutes. Funeral prayer is a supplication for the forgiveness of the dead person.
It has neither Ruku, nor Sajdah, nor Tashahhud. Funeral prayer is a collective responsibility of all Muslims of the neighbourhood of the dead person. It is called Farz-e-Kifayah which means that if some of them join in, then the obligation is discharged on behalf of all. But if no one joins in, everyone in the locality will be considered sinful before Allah.
When a Muslim dies, his body is washed and cleaned of all impurities, wrapped in white cloth and placed in an open place where funeral prayers are offered. These prayers are not offered inside the mosque, that is, the dead body is not taken inside the mosque for prayer. It is generally offered in a ground or in the area of the mosque reserved for this purpose. Funeral prayer is offered in congregation led by the Imam. Who stands in front of the dead body close to its chest.
The followers form rows behind the Imam who starts the prayer in the usual manner by saying Takbir and reciting Sana. The Muqtadis do the same. The Imam then says the second Takbir loudly and the Muqtadis say it inaudibly. The Imam and the Muqtadi both invoke blessings on the Holy Prophet(pbuh) inaudibly.
The Imam then says the third Takbir loudly and the Muqtadis say it inaudibly. The Imam and Muqtadis then recite a prayer for the forgiveness of the living as well as the dead, inaudibly. The Imam then says the fourth Takbir loudly and the Muqtadis say it inaudibly. He then finishes the prayer with Taslim in the usual manner. No extra supplication is needed after funeral prayer, since this prayer itself is a supplication for the dead person. Following the dead body to the grave and taking part in funeral prayer is regarded as a duty which one believer owes to another.
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prayer in khana kabha |
How to perform prayer
The procedure for prayer is as follows:Intention in prayer
The Holy Prophet(pbuh) said “Actions are judged by intentions. ” Only that action will be rewarded by Allah which is done with a good intention. Therefore, it is important to make the proper intention before beginning the prayer (Salat).It may be made in the heart but it is say it in these words: “I intend to offer two / three /four rakaat of prayer Farz / Sunnat / Nafal of Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha (as the case maybe) for Allah, the Most High and I am facing the Holy Ka ’abah. ”
After the intention, prayer is begun by saying Takbir-e-Tahrima iil Allah-o-Akbar (God is great) with face towards the Qiblah, the worshipper should stand in a natural position. He should bring his hands upto the ears in such a way that the thumbs should touch the ear lobes. The palms should be open towards the face. In this position he should say the Takbir. During prayer the worshipper is required to concentrate on what he is reciting. All wordly actions, such as speaking, looking around and any motion that is not a part of prayer is forbidden. His gaze should be towards the place of prostration. He should feel he is in the presence of Allah.Qiyam
This means standing up in farz salat except when it may not be possible due to sickness or due to travel in any vehicle. This is an essential part of salat without which it will be incomplete. In the position of Qiyam the male should place the right hand on the left below the navel, eyes looking down to the place of prostration. Females should fold their hands on their chest with the right hand placed over the left. During Qiyam Surah Fatiha is recited, followed by three short ayats or one long ayat.Ruku
After Qiyam, saying Allah-o-Akbar, the worshipper bends down for Ruku. The head is bowed and kept straight with the back. The palms of the hands are placed on the knees. In this position, “Glorified is my Lord, the Great”, is repeated three times or more. After saying the tasbih in Ruku, the worshipper should raise his head and stand upright and recite: I “Allah listens to him who praises Him. Our lord praise is only for You. ” Then saying Allah-o-Akbar. go down for sajdah.Sajdah
During the Sajdah face is put on the ground between the palms in such a way that the thumbs are in line with the ear lobes. The toes of both the feet, hands and the forehead touch the ground. The elbows must not touch the sides nor the stomach. In this position, “Glorified is my lord, the exalted! ” is to be recited three times or more.Qaidah and Tashahhud
After completing the two Sajdahs in the second rakat, the worshipper assumes the sitting position. This is known as Qaidah. In this position, blessings are sent on the Holy Prophet(pbuh). This is known as Tashahhud.Salam
The worshiper then turns his face first towards the right shoulder and says: i “Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy. He then turns his face towards the left shoulder and repeats the same words. This act is called Taskem. This marks the end of Salat.Importance of Prayer (Salat)
Salat is the second pillar of Islam after Faith. It refers to the five compulsory daily prayers offered individually or in congregation.Prayer strenghts our faith
Praying five times a day strengthens our belief in Allah. By praying, we remember Allah which brings us closer to Him. It assures us that Allah is with us all the time.This belief and faith that Allah will help us, gives us relief from worries and anxieties of life. Prayer is a sign of expressing our faith in Allah and obedience to Him.
Prayer is for asking help of God
It is an act of worshipping Allah and seeking His help. By offering prayers, we ask Allah’s help to keep us on the right path and bless us with His Mercy.Prayer save us
It saves us from disobedience and protects us from evil thoughts and evil deeds. Prayer reminds us that we are the slaves and servants of Allah. This makes us fear Him and we feel ashamed and afraid to disobey Him.Prayer makes us strong
It helps us to build a strong and good character, to develop a sound and stable personality and to lead a disciplined and righteous life. It makes us responsible and sincere people and we are able to conduct our lives properly. Prayer was made obligatory for all the previous nations.Question about prayer on day
We can understand its importance from the fact that the first question that Allah will ask the believers on the Day of Judgement would be about prayers. A verse of the Holy Quran says that the angels will ask a group of the occupants of Hell why they had been thrown there. They will answer that they did not offer their prayers.Prayer is first duty
The first duty enjoined upon the Holy Prophet(pbuh) was to offer prayers.Hadith
He used to say: "Prayer has been made a coolness for my eyes. ” He also said: “The key to Paradise is prayer. ” And: “The five daily prayers remove sins, just as water removes dirt. ”In this way a muslim become clean. It is the duty of every Muslim to offer prayers. A child should start praying when he is seven years old. After the age of twelve, prayer is compulsory.Congregational Prayer
Prayer can be offered anywhere, at home, in school or at the place of work. It can be offered individually, but if we are with a group of Muslims we should offer it in congregation. If a mosque is nearby we must go there to join others in congregational prayer. In congregational prayer, one member of congregation acts as the leader. He is known as the Imam. Any good and pious Muslim can be chosen as the Imam.Those who follow the Imam are called Muqtadis. The Holy Prophet(pbuh) and his companions used to offer prayers in congregation. The Holy Prophet(pbuh) did not miss it even when he was very ill. He condemned those people who did not go to the mosque to offer prayers after hearing the Azan. About the merits of the congregational prayer, the Holy Prophet(pbuh) said that the reward for these prayers is twenty-seven times more than prayers offered alone at home.
Offering prayer five times a day in congregation wins us the favour and blessings of Allah. It promotes love, affection and brotherhood among the Muslims. It plays a great part in the unification of the Muslims. The gathering of all Muslims living in the same neighbourhood five times a day in the mosque helps to establish healthy social relations amongst them.
This gathering becomes wider in the weekly Friday service in which people living in the same locality participate and still wider at the time of festivals. Thus, congregational prayers promote social relations between the different sections of the Muslim community. Praying together gives us a feeling that Muslims are one Ummat. When the rich and the poor stand together behind the Imam and follow him, it shows equality of all human beings before Allah. Differences of colour, wealth and status disappear and an atmosphere of equality and fraternity prevails inside the mosque. Thus, Islam by levelling all differences brings about love and union of humanity.
Gathering together for prayers in the mosque gives us a chance to meet and understand other Muslims. We can also help each other to do good things in . This will enable us to build a strong and stable Muslim community. Funeral Prayer A funeral prayer is performed for every dead Muslim, even for those infants who have lived for a few minutes. Funeral prayer is a supplication for the forgiveness of the dead person.
It has neither Ruku, nor Sajdah, nor Tashahhud. Funeral prayer is a collective responsibility of all Muslims of the neighbourhood of the dead person. It is called Farz-e-Kifayah which means that if some of them join in, then the obligation is discharged on behalf of all. But if no one joins in, everyone in the locality will be considered sinful before Allah.
When a Muslim dies, his body is washed and cleaned of all impurities, wrapped in white cloth and placed in an open place where funeral prayers are offered. These prayers are not offered inside the mosque, that is, the dead body is not taken inside the mosque for prayer. It is generally offered in a ground or in the area of the mosque reserved for this purpose. Funeral prayer is offered in congregation led by the Imam. Who stands in front of the dead body close to its chest.
The followers form rows behind the Imam who starts the prayer in the usual manner by saying Takbir and reciting Sana. The Muqtadis do the same. The Imam then says the second Takbir loudly and the Muqtadis say it inaudibly. The Imam and the Muqtadi both invoke blessings on the Holy Prophet(pbuh) inaudibly.
The Imam then says the third Takbir loudly and the Muqtadis say it inaudibly. The Imam and Muqtadis then recite a prayer for the forgiveness of the living as well as the dead, inaudibly. The Imam then says the fourth Takbir loudly and the Muqtadis say it inaudibly. He then finishes the prayer with Taslim in the usual manner. No extra supplication is needed after funeral prayer, since this prayer itself is a supplication for the dead person. Following the dead body to the grave and taking part in funeral prayer is regarded as a duty which one believer owes to another.
Isha Azaan and moon in Khana Kaba
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