Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A)

While on his way to Makkah Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) also met Hazrat Abdullah bin Muti(R.A) . when he discovered that Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) may undertake a journey to Kufa, he warned Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) about the Kufan that the people of Kufa were very disloyal. He advised Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) not to leave the Makkah under any circumstances.
So Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) settled in Mekkah .
When the people of Kufa heard that Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) had migrated to Makkah, they discussed how to invite  Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) to Kufa from Makkah.
It was decided that a letter of invitation would be sent to Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A).Signatures of many people supported the letter. Every two days a letter was sent to Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A). Some people even went to invite Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) to Kufa in person. On receiving
all the letters and personal invitations, Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A)’s opinion of the people of Kufa began to
Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) sent one of his cousins, Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) , to kufa so he could assess the
situation of Kufa and inform him of his opinion.
Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) left for Kufa . He reached Madina, which was on his journey. He acquired two guides from Madina. But they ran out of water and the two guides passed away due to dehydration. Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) survived and reached an oasis and found water.
He continued with his journey to Kufa. It was 1st of Zil-Hijjah 60 A.H. when Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) reached Kufa.
When the people would hear these letters, they would weep and pledge to support Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) to their last breath.

Nu’man bin Bashir was The governor of Kufa at the time .He gave a speech warning the people of the consequences of opposing
the government. In the meanwhile Yazid appointed Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) the present
governor of Basra, the new Governor of Kufa. Yazid said that It was
urgent because Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A) had sent a representative, Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) , to Kufa on his
behalf, who was seeking allegiance from the people of Kufa and turning them against the
government. He said that he gave him full authority to deal with the matter as he saw best. UbayduLlah bin Ziyad appointed his brother, Uthman, as deputy governor of Basra. He instructed the people of Basra not to cause any friction or rebel against the King since he would not tolerate such actions and would
execute anyone, even members of his family, for causing such troubles.
UbayduLlah bin Ziyad departed for his journey to Kufa with some of his family members. When they had almost reached Kufa he separated from them and entered the city by himself. When the people of
Kufa saw UbayduLlah bin Ziyad entering the city they thought that it was Imam
Husain, and started to sing a song welcoming him into their city. UbayduLlah bin Ziyad did not respond them and continued riding his horse towards The governor’s house. When The governor of
Kufa, Nu’man bin Bashir, heard all the people singing in celebration of Hazrat Imam Husain (R.A)
coming to Kufa, he got frightened and locked the doors of his house . When UbayduLlah bin Ziyad reached his house
and knocked on the door, Nu’man would not open it. Then some one recognized governer of basra and he opened the door.
Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel went to
Hani bin Urwah’s house, asking whether he could stay there. He said that he should not as he might be creating trouble for him and his family. But After that Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) began living there
UbayduLlah bin Ziyad asked one of his slaves to act as a detective to find out where Muslim bin Aqeel was .
The slave approached Muslim bin Awsaja-Asdi who was companion of Muslim bin Aqeel.He said that he
had found out that a relative of the
Prophet is staying in Kufa. After that day they became friends.
Occasionally, Awsaja-Asdi took the slave with him to Hani’s house.
Shareek was Hani's friend and he came his house .His health had deteriorated rapidly and sadly he passed away. A lot people came to Hani’s house to pay their respects and also came to see Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) .
Amongst these visitors was Muslim bin Awsaja-Asdi who used to come and bring the detective along with him. The slave had been continuously reporting back to Ibn Ziyad and
informing him of Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) ’s activities.
As Hani’s health improved he began attending meetings at The governor’s house daily.However, he began
using the excuse that he was ill so that he would not have to attend the meetings. But the slave would report back and tell The governor that there was nothing wrong with Hani . One day The governor asked the people why Hani had not been attending
the meetings. He called him.
When Hani arrived at The governor’s house he was arrested and questioned about why he had opposed King Yazid.The governor ordered if he could not let him go until he hand Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) over to him. However, Hani refused to hand Muslim over to him saying that Muslim was his guest .
Because Hani refused to comply with the authorities, The governor ordered to lock up in prison.
When Hani’s people heard of this they surrounded The governor’s house. The governor called the judge of Kufa, Qadi Shuraih, to come and tell Hani’s people that he was
alive and had been detained temporarily. After listening to Qadi ’s version of events, the people dispersed.
When Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) heard of what had happened he gathered together all 18,000 people
and surrounded The governor’s
house. The governor saw that he could not contend with such a vast crowd as his police force consisted of only 30 men, so he locked himself inside his house. The people surrounded the
house all day.The leaders managed to convince their followers to go home, and the crowd began to disperse.
Eventually there were only a few people left with Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) . Afterwards, he started to walk through the streets of Kufa like a stranger who had just entered the city.
He reached a house and ask for some water. A woman named Tu’ah answered the door. Her son worked for the governor as a detective. Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) asked the woman for some water and the woman
gave him some. She then offered him some food but Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) did not feel
like eating. she had invited Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) to stay in their house as a guest.
The following morning her son Bilal went to the governor’s house to inform him that Muslim bin Aqeel had been seeking refuge in his house. When the governor heard about this he
sent 72 of his policemen to arrest Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) . It was 9th Zil-Hijjah 60th Hijra.
When the police reached they entered and tried to confront Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) to arrest him but
Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) forced them out of the house. The police tried to enter the house on several
occasions but the outcome was always the same. Finally Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) was struck on the
face by the sword of Bakar bin Humran. His upper lip was cut and two of his teeth were broken. The officers then climbed onto the roof of the house and started to throw stones and fire balls inside the house. Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) got on top of the roof of the house and started to fight with the police.
Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) was so tired from fighting that he had to lean against a wall to rest. Some friends of
The governor assured him that if he accompanied them to the governor’s house, he would be guaranteed protection and would not be harmed.
They took him towards the house of the governor.
Tears were flowing from Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A)’s eyes because had written to Imam Husain telling him to come to Kufa.
As Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) was
looking around in governer house he saw that one of his relative, Umar bin Sa’d was standing amongst the
crowd. Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) called him over. The governor told Umar Bin Sa’d that he may proceed.
They went into the corner of the room and had a long conversation. At the end Muslim bin
Aqeel ,'' can you write a letter to Imam Husain telling him that when I arrived in Kufa I was greeted with respect and comfort, and in no time I had more than 18,000 people swearing allegiance to him, daily the numbers were increasing. But they have now all broken their promises and their allegiances and run away.
Tell him that I will be executed soon and I am writing to him so that he does not come to Kufa as the situation here is really bad. After he had made his requests, they both came back.
The governor asked Umar Bin Sa’d what Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) had been saying to him. He told
him everything. The governor told him that he could do as he wished about paying the money
back and about writing the letter to Imam Husain, but refused to give permission to bury Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A)’s body. The governor started to abuse Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) in front of
everyone and ordered him to be taken to the roof of the building and executed. Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (R.A) started to recite (prayers) as he was being led up to the roof. When they reached the top of the building they executed him and threw his body into the street. Thevgovernor ordered Hani to be brought and also executed in the same manner. 
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