Day of ashur (10th Muharram)
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Roze-e-Hazrat Hur (A.S) in Karbla |
When Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)gave the call ‘Azan’ his voice resembled the voice of the Holy Prophet and Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) hearing the last ‘Azan’ of his son in the voice of his Grandfather,shed tears, and as the voice of Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)reached the inmates in the camp, Hazrat zainab (A.S) along with other ladies hear the call for prayer in the sweet enchanting voice of the beautiful son of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) .
It was the third day of the thirst inflicted on the whole camp of the Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A). Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A). and his devotees performed ‘Tayammum’ instead of ‘Wozu’ and the Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A). offered the last congregational prayers with his devotees on earth.
After the prayer is over, in the morning of that day ‘Umar bin Saad’ led the attack against Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) . He positioned ‘Amr bin Al-Haj Al-Zubaidi’ on the right wing of the army and ‘Shimr bin Zil Jawshan’ on the left wing. And on the infantry he positioned ‘Shibthah bin Al- Rubay’ and gave the standard to his slave Durayd.
Then Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) ordered all his faithful companions, who were about seventy two men to fall in, and divided his small Godly band into three flanks, i.e., the right and the left wings and the central body.
Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) appointed ‘Hazrat Zuhayr bin Al-Qayn(R.A) ’ as the Commander of the army’s right wing and ‘Hazrat Habib bin Mouzaher(R,A) ’ on the army’s left wing. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) called his brave brother,Hazrat Abbas (R.A) , the Faithful and presented to him the Holy Standard of Truth and thus Hazrat Abbas (R.A) from that day
came to be known as ‘Abbas-e-Alamdar.
Hazrat ImamHussain (R.A) spoke out a rhetorical speech aloud addressing the men of the Yazidian forces .Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) made this speech so that later no one would be able to say that it was Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) who started this battle. Umar bin Saad became worried that Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) ’s words might change the minds of some of the troops. Hence ordered his slave Durayd saying:Hay Durayd holds your banner and be me witness in front of the prince that I was the first to fight
He put an arrow to his bow and shot it towards Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A)'s tent. There followed thousands of arrows towards Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) camp.
Hazrat Hurr son of Yazid Al-Riyahi,
Hazrat Hurr son of Yazid Al-Riyahi, the commander of Yazid’s regiment, was also present in the enemy’s forces in Karbala. He spent all his time in repenting and feeling very guilty for having obstructed the way of the son of the Holy Prophet, and blamed himself for bringing Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) to Karbala. On the morning of 10th Muharram, Hurr called his son secretly in his tent . The son of Hurr readily consented to accompany him and Hurr’s slave who was a faithful & trusted one of his master, was present in the tent.Hazrat Hurr, with his son and a slave, dashed out of the enemy’s ranks. After that, Hazrat Hurr approached until he driven towards ‘hell’. There is yet time. I have decided to dash out of the ranks of Satan and join the side of the Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) Would you like to accompany me or stay where you are?”
The son of Hazrat Hurr readily consented to accompany him and Hurr’s slave who was a faithful & trusted one of his master, was present in the tent and implored saying Master- along with you Hurr, with his son and a slave, dashed out of the enemy’s ranks.
sake, I am choosing between be cut into pieces and burnt.
Hurr appearing before the Hazrat Abbas (R.A) with tears in his eyes .Hurr was received very warmly by Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) and his companions as special guest. Hurr was the first one who went into the field against the enemy and charged bravely like a wolf among a herd of Sheep and laid down his life, after killing more than forty of enemies.
Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) rushed to him found him with big cut on the head and the wound was bleeding badly. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) took his scarf which had belonged to his mother Fatima and
bandaged his wound and cleaned his eyes from
blood.Hazrat Hurr told Imam “Did I do well and are
you satisfied?”
The last thing Hazrat Hurr heard before he died was
Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) telling him your mother made
the right choice by naming you Hazrat Hurr .The Freeman. Body of Hurr was carried by his tribe and buried.
The battle of Truth against Falsehood began. One after another of the Godly ones from the Holy Imam’s side went into the field and laid down his life after exhibiting wonderful bravery, courage, valor and prowess. It looked as if the thirst, hunger, heat and the wounds had no affect whatsoever on the patience, the strength and the determination of Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A)’s devotees.
At last when the deceitful Umar bin Saad saw the wonderful fight, he was astonished that each one from the Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)’s side easily destroyed dozens before he fell.
Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)’s companions were determined that as long as one of them was alive, they would not allow the blood of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) and his family spill in Karbala. From early that morning, Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) together with Abbas the brave, Hazrat Ali Akbar (R.A)and others carried the bodies of their companions back to the camp. Although these brave soldiers did not have their own families to mourn their death, the ladies in Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)’s camp cried for them as if they were part of their own family.
Wahab bin Abdullah(R.A)
Wahab son of Abdullah Al-Kalby was a Christian, who was accompanied by his newly married wife and mother. All of them declared their Islam before Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) (pbuh) on the way to Karbala.Wahab fought like an angry lion .The enemies beheaded Wahab and threw his head besides his wife’s tent. His wife came out and started to wipe the blood and dust from Wahab’s face. Shimr saw her and ordered his slave to strike her. she fell down beside her husband’s head, thus becoming the first women to be killed from Imam.
It was now midday, and the time for Zuhur prayer was approaching. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) asked Hajjaj to make the Azan and asked the enemy to cease fighting till they pray. But ‘Al-Hosayn son ofNumeir’ replied. It will not be accepted from you.
But ‘Habib son of Mouzaher’ attacked him and hit the head of his horse. Al-Hosayn fell down, but his companions were able to rush and rescue him.
In the heat of the battle on the day of ‘Ashura’, the Imam offered his prayers hurriedly
in the form of ‘Salat al-Khawf’ and there was no respite even to offer full prayers. After that all his companions came out to fight, one after the other, until they were all martyred. Imam
Hussain was left alone with his handful of households only, to fight the huge army of Yazid. Ali’s sons, Ja’far’s sons, Aqil’s sons, Hassan’s sons and Hussain’s sons. The first among them to rush to the battlefield
was ‘Abdullah bin Muslim bin Aqil’.
Aun and Muhammad were the sons of Hazrat Zainab(A.S) , and they were quite young, aged ten and nine years respectively. They had learnt the art of fencing from their uncle, Abbas the brave. The two boys rode out into the battlefield. They fought bravely.
Aun and Muhammad were attacked from all sides. Hazrat Immam Hussain (R.A) carried the body of Aun while Abbas carried Muhammad.
Hazrat Zainab came to the two bodies of her sons and addressing them said: “My dear children! Now I am pleased with you that, you have proved your worth and laid down your lives.
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