Permissible to break Namaaz
◘ It is wajib to break one's Namaaz in order to answer a parent or a
grandparent who has called out in distress. Nevertheless, it is not
necessary when someone is around to assist.
◘ It is Farz to break one's Namaaz when it is feared that a blind
person would fall into a pit or a well if he is not stopped. It is
Farz to break one's Namaaz when some person has caught on fire
and requires assistance.
◘ When there is an urge to pass urine or stool.
◘ When a Snake, Scorpion or some other harmful creature or
animal makes its appearance.
◘ When one fears that train on which one is to travel would depart
and thus cause great inconvenience.
◘ When one fears that a thief would get away with his shoes or any
other property.
◘ It is wajib to break one's Namaaz in order to answer a parent or a
grandparent who has called out in distress. Nevertheless, it is not
necessary when someone is around to assist.
◘ It is Farz to break one's Namaaz when it is feared that a blind
person would fall into a pit or a well if he is not stopped. It is Farz
to break one's Namaaz when some person has caught on fire and
requires assistance.
● Performing Namaaz when one has the urge to urinate or pass
● To crack one's fingers or putting of fingers of one hands into
fingers of the other hand.
● Turning the face away from qibla and looking around.
● It is makrooh for men to rest both the arms and wrists on the
ground in sajdah.
● Full blessing of Namaaz to be lost although the
Namaaz will not have to be repeated.
Some makrooh acts in namaaz are:
● Saying namaaz bare-headed due to laziness or carelessness and to expose the arms above the elbows.
● Playing with clothes or the body.
Performing Namaaz in clothes in which people do not ordinarily
like to go out.
● Performing Namaaz when another person facing him sits ahead.
● Yawning intentionally and not preventing it if one can do so.
● Closing the eyes, but if it is done to concentrate in Namaaz, it is
● It is Makrooh for a Baalig (mature) person to stand alone behind
a Saff (row) when there is place in the Saff before him.
● Performing Namaaz in clothes with pictures of living objects on
● Performing Namaaz at a place where there is a picture of a
living (animate) object above or on the right or left side of the
Namaazi or on the place where he makes Sajdah.
● To count ayats, Suras or Tasbihs on fingers in Namaaz.
● Performing Namaaz with a sheet or clothes wrapped on the body in such a way that it makes it difficult to free the hands quickly.
● To yawn and stretch arms to remove laziness.
● Doing something against sunnat in Nammaz
Namaz will break by following acts
☻ To talk in Namaaz knowingly or unknowingly, a few words or many will nullify the Namaaz.
☻ To greet a person by Assalamu Alaikum. or by any other method while performing Namaaz.
☻ To reply to greetings or saying Yarhamukallah to one who
sneezes and saying Ameen to a dua not connected to his
☻ To say inna lil lahi wa inna ilaihi raajioon on some sad news or
Alhamd’jlillah on hearing some good or strange news.
☻ To make noise due to pain etc.
☻ Correcting the Qiraat of a person other than his own Imaam.
☻ To recite the Quraan by looking at the text.
☻ To do such an act which gives the impression to onlookers
that he is doing something else, rather than performing Namaaz.
This is called a'amale katheer.
☻ Eating or drinking knowingly or unknowingly.
☻ To turn the chest away from the Qibla without an excuse.
☻ Doing Sajda at a Najis place.
☻ Delay in covering the Satr (private parts) when uncovered, to
the extent of performing one Rukn in Namaaz.
☻ Utterance in pain or trouble.
☻ An adult's laughing aloud.
☻ To step ahead of the Imaam during the Namaaz.
☻ Making some great error in the Qiraat of the Holy Quraan.
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Namaz in bait -u-Allah |
◘ It is wajib to break one's Namaaz in order to answer a parent or a
grandparent who has called out in distress. Nevertheless, it is not
necessary when someone is around to assist.
◘ It is Farz to break one's Namaaz when it is feared that a blind
person would fall into a pit or a well if he is not stopped. It is
Farz to break one's Namaaz when some person has caught on fire
and requires assistance.
◘ When there is an urge to pass urine or stool.
◘ When a Snake, Scorpion or some other harmful creature or
animal makes its appearance.
◘ When one fears that train on which one is to travel would depart
and thus cause great inconvenience.
◘ When one fears that a thief would get away with his shoes or any
other property.
◘ It is wajib to break one's Namaaz in order to answer a parent or a
grandparent who has called out in distress. Nevertheless, it is not
necessary when someone is around to assist.
◘ It is Farz to break one's Namaaz when it is feared that a blind
person would fall into a pit or a well if he is not stopped. It is Farz
to break one's Namaaz when some person has caught on fire and
requires assistance.
Makroohat Namaz
● To dust the floor with one's hands to prevent the soiling ofclothes.
● Performing Namaaz when one has the urge to urinate or pass
● To crack one's fingers or putting of fingers of one hands into
fingers of the other hand.
● Turning the face away from qibla and looking around.
● It is makrooh for men to rest both the arms and wrists on the
ground in sajdah.
● Full blessing of Namaaz to be lost although the
Namaaz will not have to be repeated.
Some makrooh acts in namaaz are:
● Saying namaaz bare-headed due to laziness or carelessness and to expose the arms above the elbows.
● Playing with clothes or the body.
Performing Namaaz in clothes in which people do not ordinarily
like to go out.
● Performing Namaaz when another person facing him sits ahead.
● Yawning intentionally and not preventing it if one can do so.
● Closing the eyes, but if it is done to concentrate in Namaaz, it is
● It is Makrooh for a Baalig (mature) person to stand alone behind
a Saff (row) when there is place in the Saff before him.
● Performing Namaaz in clothes with pictures of living objects on
● Performing Namaaz at a place where there is a picture of a
living (animate) object above or on the right or left side of the
Namaazi or on the place where he makes Sajdah.
● To count ayats, Suras or Tasbihs on fingers in Namaaz.
● Performing Namaaz with a sheet or clothes wrapped on the body in such a way that it makes it difficult to free the hands quickly.
● To yawn and stretch arms to remove laziness.
● Doing something against sunnat in Nammaz
Namaz will break by following acts
☻ To talk in Namaaz knowingly or unknowingly, a few words or many will nullify the Namaaz.
☻ To greet a person by Assalamu Alaikum. or by any other method while performing Namaaz.
☻ To reply to greetings or saying Yarhamukallah to one who
sneezes and saying Ameen to a dua not connected to his
☻ To say inna lil lahi wa inna ilaihi raajioon on some sad news or
Alhamd’jlillah on hearing some good or strange news.
☻ To make noise due to pain etc.
☻ Correcting the Qiraat of a person other than his own Imaam.
☻ To recite the Quraan by looking at the text.
☻ To do such an act which gives the impression to onlookers
that he is doing something else, rather than performing Namaaz.
This is called a'amale katheer.
☻ Eating or drinking knowingly or unknowingly.
☻ To turn the chest away from the Qibla without an excuse.
☻ Doing Sajda at a Najis place.
☻ Delay in covering the Satr (private parts) when uncovered, to
the extent of performing one Rukn in Namaaz.
☻ Utterance in pain or trouble.
☻ An adult's laughing aloud.
☻ To step ahead of the Imaam during the Namaaz.
☻ Making some great error in the Qiraat of the Holy Quraan.
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