The Greatest Miracle (Holy Qurran)
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The holy Qurran |
No doubt, the miracles of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) are innumerable, each more marvelous than the other, but in mentioning only one of these here - one that pertains to the sphere of knowledge, namely, the Holy Qur'an - Allah has pointed out that this is the greatest. Even among the miracles of all the prophets .
Each miracle appears with a certain prophet, and ends with him.
The Holy Qur'an, on the contrary, is a miracle which is to survive till the end of time. As for the people who hesitate in accepting the Holy Qur'an as the Word of Allah, and suspect that it is the work of the Holy Prophet or of some other man, the verse of Al-baqra proposes an easy test - they should produce a passage (a Surah) resembling or equalling the Holy Qur'an in order to substantiate their claim; but if they fail, they should finally acknowledge the Holy Qur'an to be undoubtedly the Word of Allah.
The doubters shall never succeed, if they tried with all their individual or collective might, in producing a passage which could resemble the Holy Qur'an. If they should still persist in their denial, the verse threatens them with the fire of Hell, which has already been prepared for such stubborn disbelievers.
Allah says
“Bring you then ten forged Surahs like it”
and“They could not produce the like there of”
Therefore, this is a general challenge to the Arab disbelievers, the most eloquent among all nations. Allah challenged the Arab disbelievers both in Makkah and Al-Madinah several times, especially since they had tremendous hatred and enmity for the Prophet(PBUH) and his religion. Yet, they were unable to succeed in answering the challenge, The Holy Quran gave Meccan’s an easy chance of accomplishing their purpose, and even hurt their tribal sense of honour by predicting that they would never be able to take up the challenge. And yet not a single contender came up for the trial, which was a clear admission of their helplesseness and an acknowledgment of the Holy Qur'an being the Word of Allah.
This fact establishes the Holy Qur'an as the evident miracle of the Holy Prophet. The Holy Qur'an is incomparable for its comprehensiveness It provides guidance for all the spheres of human life, spiritual or physical, individual or collective.
In fact, the Arabs were in those days known as the Ummiyyiin, 'the illiterates', and that the Book came through the Holy Prophet & who could not even read or write, and who had not tried to learn even the arts of poetry and rhetoric on which the Arabs prided themselves. This fact, in itself, is nothing short of a miracle.The Holy Qur'an is, no doubt, a guidance for all men without any distinction of time or place.
At the time of last pilgrimage the enemies of Islam became worried about the huge crowds that would assemble in mosque Al-Haram for the annual pilgrimage. They suggested that they could tell the pilgrims that the Holy Qur'an was (May Allah forgive us for reporting a blasphemy) only the ravings of a lunatic. But Walid could foresee that when the pilgrims heard the Holy Prophet (PBUH) speaking with such lucidity and eloquence, they would immediately know that the allegation was not true.
Next they thought of dismissing him(PBUH) as a mere poet. But Walid warned them that, an understanding of the arts of poetry being innate in most Arabs, the pilgrims would easily see that he was no poet. Then, they considered the possibility of putting him down as one of the soothsayers.
But walid feared that they would again discover how false the imputation was, and would only turn against the accusers. In summing up his own impression of the Holy Qur'an, he said: "By God, there is not a single man among you who knows more about Arabic poetry than me.
And, by God, I find in this speech(Last speech of Holy prophet ) a kind of sweetness and grace which I have never found in the speech of any poet or of any eloquent man." After a good deal of thought, he finally advised them to accuse the Holy Prophet(PBUH) of being a sorcerer who employed his black art in separating sons from fathers, and wives from husbands.
Exactly the same was the impression made by the Holy Qur'an on many other people, who expressed similar .
In short, the Arabs failed to take up the challenge of the Holy Qur'an, and admitted their helplessness.They knew in their hearts that the Holy Qur'an was the Book of Allah, and feared that if they told a lie in this matter, they would actually die.
And they kept quiet. When the Holy Qur'an is recited ,it affects in a strange and indefinable way the heart of even a casual listener. Muslim or non-Muslim. History reports many instances of people accepting Islam merely because they happened to be passing by when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was reciting the Holy Qurran .
The Holy Prophet said
“Every Prophet was given a miracle, the type of which brings mankind to faith. What I was given is a revelation(Holy Qurran) that Allah sent down to me. Yet, I hope that I will have the most following on the Day of Resurrection”
Sahi Muslim and Bukhari
Surah Al-Bakra-verse: 23,24
Source: Quran Tafseer Ibn-e – Kathir
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