Azar and Ibrahim
There lived in Iraq a man called Azar who used to make idols and sell them. These idols were kept in a temple where the people used to worship them. Azar had a son, Ibrahim.
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Khana Kabba |
When people knew about it they called a meeting in which it was decided to bum him alive. A big fire was set up and Hazrat Ibrahim was thrown into it. But a miracle happened. The fire did not harm him because Allah protected him and tie came out of the fire unhurt.
He was a wise and good man whom Allah had chosen to be His prophet. At lany places in the Holy Quran, Allah has told Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(pbuh) to follow the faith of Hazrat Ibrahim, who was a true believer and was called halilullah-Allah’s friend.
Hazrat Ibrahim left Iraq and went to Egypt with his wife Sara. Later Hazrat rahim married Hazrat Hajra.
Hazrat Ibrahim was an old man and had no children. He prayed to Allah to give him a child.
Allah answered his prayer and a son, Hazrat Ismail(A.S) , was born from his wife Hazrat Hajra(A.S) . When Hazrat Ismail (A.S) was born to Hazrat Hajra, Sara felt sad that she had no child of her own. Allah ordered Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S) to take Hazrat Hajra(A.S) and Hazrat Ismail (A.S) to a deserted place and leave them there.
Being a true believer, Hazrat Ibrahim took Hazrat Hajra(A.S) and Hazrat Ismail (A.S) to a barren place where there was no water and no trees to give them shade.
This place was Makkah. Allah was so pleased with Hazrat Ibrahim that he not only protected Hazrat Hajra and Hazrat Ismail, but promised to make their generations flourish. The Holy Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) also came from the same family.
Hazrat Hajra and Hazrat Ismail continued to live where Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S) had left them. When Hazrat Ismail(A.S) was a young boy, Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) dreamt that Allah was ordering him to sacrifice his son, Hazrat Ismail.
He therefore took Hazrat Ismail (A.S) to a deserted place and told him that he wanted to sacrifice him at the command of Allah. As he was about to take this knife to cut Hazrat Ismail’s throat, Allah stopped him and told him that it was a trial and that He had accepted his sacrifice. Instead of Hazrat Ismail(A.S), a lamb was sacrifice.
At the command of Allah, Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S) and Hazrat Ismail built the Ka’abah, where people could pray. In front of the Ka’abah is a place called Muqaam-e-Ibrahim(A.S), or the foot prints of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) on stone. All his life, Hazrat Ibrahim fought against evil and preached the religion of one God. He was asked ail kinds of confusing question by the unbelievers. But he always answered them with the knowledge and wisdom that Allah had given him. Allah loved Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S) so much that He later on asked Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) to follow Hazrat Ibrahim’s faith
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