QURRANI PRAYERS Prayer for forgiveness "Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on u...
Dehleez-e-islam Is About Islamic History,Tafseer And Other Ambia Karam's Waqiat In The Holy Quran.
QURRANI PRAYERS Prayer for forgiveness "Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on u...
Hajj and umrah (Hadi , and Fidya) Hadi Hadi is sacrifice of an animal if one can not complete his Hajj and umrah . Prevent yourself fr...
Ahadees about sehar time in Ramadan Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) said Allah allowed eating and drinking until dawn, it represents proof tha...
In the mame of Allah who is most gracios most merciful Hazrat Yunus and whale Blue whale Hazrat Yunus bin Matta(A.S...
Hazrat Yusuf (A.S) Met his Parents Hazrat Ya`qub, (A.S), ordered Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)’s brothers to go back Egypt and inquire about the...
The Isra' (Night Journey). Al-Masjid Al-Haram is the Masjid in Makkah and Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa is the Sacred House which is in Jerusale...
In the name of Allah who is most gracious most meciful Hazrat Yusuf (A.S) is Rescued from the Well and sold as a Slave what happene...
Story of the gardeners who did not want to give charity As –habay al-kahf - wa – Al raqeem garden There was a garden...
Stories from Qurran Hazrat yusuf (A.S) in prison(stories from Qurran) Prison After decision now Hazrat yusuf (A.S) was in prison ...
Hazrat yusuf (A.S) and binyamin when Hazrat yusuf (A.S) ‘s brothers went in before him along with his full brother Binyamin, he invite...
Stories from Qurran ( Hazrat yusuf(A.S) met his brothers After Hazrat Yusuf (A.S) became minister of Egypt Egypt of Hazrat Yusuf ...
Rules for women during umrah and Hajj Hajj and umrah ●Woman should walk throughout tawaf and sai. All scholars agree that there i...
Rules and regulations during umrah and hajj Once the pilgrims has entered the state of Ihram at the meeqat . ◙ A man in Ihram is not pe...