Stories from Qurran
Hazrat suleman and queen of saba
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Hazrat suleman and queen of saba |
Hoopoe told Hazrat Sulayman(A.S) about the people of Saba' and their queen . Hazrat Sulayman(A.S) said : "We shall see whether you speak the truth or you are one of the liars.'' Go you with this letter of mine and deliver it to them then draw back from them and see what they return. Hazrat Sulayman(A.S) wrote a letter to Queen Bilqis and her people and gave it to the hoopoe to deliver. It was said that he carried it on his wings, as is the way with birds, or that he carried it in his beak. He went to their land and found the palace of Queen Bilqis, then he went to her private chambers and threw the letter through a small window, then he stepped to one side out of good manners. Queen Bilqis was amazed and confused when she saw that, then she went and picked up the letter, opened its seal and read it.
Letter of Hazrat Sulayman (A.S)
It is from Hazrat Sulayman (A.S), and it reads: `In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful; Be you not exalted against me, but come to me submitting as Muslims.'So she gathered her commanders and ministers and the leaders of her land, and said to them:
"O chiefs! , here is delivered to me a noble letter.'' it was a wondrous thing she had seen, that it was delivered by a bird who threw it to her, then stood aside out of good manners. This was something that no king could do.
Then she read the letter to them.
They knew that it was from Allah's Prophet Hazrat Sulayman(A.S) and that they could not match him. This letter was the utmost in brevity coming straight to the point.
They said: "we have the power and strength, if you want to go to him and fight him.' The matter is yours to decide, so instruct us as you see fit and we will obey. "Bilqis said: kings, when they enter a town, they destroy it and make the most honorable amongst its people the lowest. And thus they do. Then she said: `I will send him a gift befitting for one of his status, and will wait and see what his response will be. Perhaps he will accept that and leave us alone, or he will impose a tax which we can pay him every year. She understood how gift-giving has a good effect on people. she sent him a huge gift of gold, jewels, pearls and other things. It is apparent that Hazrat Sulayman(A.S) did not even look at what they brought at all and did not pay any attention to it. but he turned away and said, rebuking them:He said that they were the ones who were influenced by gifts and presents but he would accept nothing from her except Islam or the sword.'
Hazrat Sulayman(A.S) would come to them with armies that they could not resist. They had no power to match them or resist them.
we shall drive them out from there in disgrace, `we shall drive them out in disgrace from their land.
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