Hazrat Musa (A.S) ) and Magicians
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At time of Hazrat Musa (A,S) magic was the trade of the day and it was widespread and popular.In Islam magic is haram. So it was not work of any messenger of God. But enemies of messangers always thought that messangers are megissions. Similarly People of Fir`awn had the idea that what Hazrat Musa(PBUH) brought was a type of magic similar to the magic that the sorcerers of their time practiced. Because of this incorrect assumption, they brought all the magicians,
As soon as Hazrat Musa(A.S) came from Madyan, he demonstrated tremendous miracles and clear proofs for the Truth that he brought. Fir`awn then collected magicians who were scattered throughout Egypt. Fir`awn promised them great rewards. These magicians were very exited to prevail over Hazrat Musa(A.S) because that they might become closer to him. Hazrat Musa(A.S) neither knew any of them nor saw or met them before. Fir`awn knew that, but he claimed otherwise to deceive the ignorant masses of his kingdom, just as Allah described them,
in order to defeat the miracles that he showed them Hazrat Musa(A.S) said that his appointed meeting is the day of the festival, and let the people assemble when the sun has risen forenoon.'' So Fir`awn withdrew, devised his plot and then came back. The sorcerers came to Fir`awn. They said: "Indeed there will be a good reward for us if we are the victors.'' He said: "Yes, and moreover you will in that case be of the nearest to me.''
The magicians were collected to defeat Hazrat Musa(A.S) . Fir`awn told them that he will reward them . He made them hope in acquiring what they wished for and to make them among his private audience and best associates. They said: "Either you throw first, or shall we have the first throw'' Hazrat Musa(A.S) said "Throw you first.'' So when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people, and struck terror into them, and they displayed a great trick.
The magicians challenged Hazrat Musa(A.S), when they said, Either you throw first, or shall we have the first throw before you.When the magicians had cast their spell and captured the eyes, the clear truth came, when they waited for it to come, thus making the truth even more impressive to their hearts.
So when they threw, they deceived the eyes and made them think that their trick was real, when it was only an illusion.The magisions threw sticks, and they appeared to be crawling, an illusion that they created with their magic.The magicians were very happy. They thought that then they could defeat Hazrat Musa(A.S). The magic with which they caused making it appear real, whereas it was not real at all. that Hazrat Musa(PBUH) stick swallowed all the ropes and sticks that the magicians threw. The magicians realized that this was from heaven and was by no means magic. They fell in prostration and proclaimed, "We believe in the Lord of all that exists. The Lord of Hazrat Musa(PBUH) and Harun .
Surah Airaf 109 to 122
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