Honey , Milk and strong drinks (IN view of Qurran) Honey and bee The bee is an insect who makes its home in the mountains, in tr...
Dehleez-e-islam Is About Islamic History,Tafseer And Other Ambia Karam's Waqiat In The Holy Quran.
Honey , Milk and strong drinks (IN view of Qurran) Honey and bee The bee is an insect who makes its home in the mountains, in tr...
Pray of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) It is proper for whoever supplicates to Allah to also ask for the benefit of his parents and offspring But...
Guardian angels There are angels who take turns guarding each human , some by night and some by day. These angels protect each person f...
Weighing the deeds on the day As for what will be placed on the Balance on the Day of Resurrection, It has been said that ...
Water which is used for wudhu (1) All types of water will become Najais if NAJASAT falls into them .However two types of water...
Stories from Qurran Index (1) Hazrat suleman and hoopoe (2) Hazrat suleman and queen of saba (3) Queen bilqees and her throne part ...
Stories from Qurran Hazrat suleman and queen of saba Hazrat suleman and queen of saba Hoopoe told Hazrat Sulayman(A.S) about th...
How flood stopped (stories from Qurran) After the storm which came on the nation of Hazrat Nuh (A.S) there was water every wh...
Hazrat Musa (A.S) ) and Magicians mount sinai At time of Hazrat Musa (A,S) magic was the trade of the day...
In the name of Allah who is most gracious most merciful Lawful and unlawful things We should not Make unlawful the good things which...
In the name of Allah who is most gracios most merciful Virtues of Ayat –ul-Qursi Al-Baqra _255 This is Ayat Al-Kursi and treme...
In the name of Allah who is most gracios most merciful The Order for Kindness to Parents Allah said in Surah Bani Israel :23,24 t...
Permission of sehar in Ramadan Iftar Eating drinking etc are allowed after Iftar during nights of Ramadan In the ...
In the name of Allah who is most gracious most merciful Order of fast in Ramdan Mubarak Fast in Rmadan ...