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Prayer of Hazrat Zakariyya (A.S)
"He said: "My Lord! Indeed my bones have grown feeble, and gray
hair has Ashta`al on my head, and I have never been unblessed in my
invocation to You, O my Lord!''. "And verily, I fear Mawali after
me, and my wife is barren. So give me from Yourself an heir.'' "Who
shall inherit me, and inherit (also) the posterity of Ya`qub. And make
him, my Lord, one with whom You are well-pleased!''
Surah Maryam :verse No 4,5,6
Hazrat Zakariyya(A.S) was a great Prophet from the Prophets of the Children of Israel. He was afraid that the generation that would succeed him would be a wicked generation.So he asked Allah for a son who would be a Prophet after him. who would guide them with his prophethood and that which was revealed to him.He asked son not for giving him wealth.He was not wealthy but he was a carpenter who ate from the earnings of his own hand.
The Holy Prophet said about Hazrat Zakariyya(A.S) that He was a carpenter who used to eat from what he earned with his own hand through carpentry.
Sahih Al-Bukhari
HadithThe Messenger of Allah(PBUH) said, (We (the Prophets) do not leave behind inheritance . Whatever we leave behind, then it is charity.)
Sahih Al-Bukhari and muslim
Then the angels called him, while he was standing in prayer in the Mihrab, (saying): "Allah gives you glad tidings of Yahya.” Hazrat Zakariyya(A.S) was amazed when his supplication was answered . He became extremely overjoyed and asked how this child would be born to him. This was particularly amazing because his wife was an old woman who was barren .
Even Hazrat Zakariyya(A.S) himself had become old and his bones had become feeble and thin. Then he (the angel) mentioned to him that which is more amazing than what he was asking about.
Hazrat Zakariyya(A.S) asked to Allah “My Lord! Show me how You give life to the dead.”
Allah said: "Do you not believe'' He said: "Yes I believe, but to put my heart at ease.'
Then Allah says, (He said, "Your sign will be that you shall not speak unto mankind for three nights, your tongue will be prevented from speaking for three nights while you are healthy and fit, without any sickness . So his tongue was arrested without any sickness or illness.He used to recite and glorify Allah, but he was not able to speak to his people
Then he came out to his people from the Mihrab . Hazrat Zakariyya (A.S) made a gesture to them that was subtle and swift. They should be agreeable to what he was commanded to do during these three days, to increase in his deeds and gratitude to Allah for what He had given him.
Then Promised boy was born and he was Hazrat Yahya(A.S). There is also the implication that Allah taught him the Book, the Tawrah which they used to study among themselves. The Prophets who were sent to the Jews used to rule according to the Tawrah, as did the scholars and rabbis among them. He was still young in age when Allah gave him this knowledge. This is the reason that Allah mentioned it.
Because of how Allah favored him and his parents. he was given understanding, knowledge, fortitude, diligence and zeal for good and the pursuit of good. He was blessed with these characteristics even though he was young. This was gentleness from His Lord upon him. Then, after mentioning these beautiful characteristics, Allah mentions his reward .
Three situatins when a man feel loneliness
The loneliest that a man will ever feel is in three situations.1-The first situation is on the day that he is born, when he sees himself coming out of what he was in.
2- The second situation is on the day that he dies, when he sees people that he will not see anymore.
3-The third situation is on the day when he is resurrected, when he sees himself in the great gathering. Allah has exclusively honored Yahya, the son of Zakariyya, by granting him peace in these situations
Surah Maryam : verse 5 to 15
Source :Tafseer Ibn-kathir
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