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Prayer of Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S) with explaination
Surah Al-Baqra :Verse 129
"And, our Lord, raise in their midst a Messenger from among them, who should recite to them Your verses, and teach them the Book and the wisdom, and make them pure. Indeed You, and You alone, are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) requested Allah to send a prophet from among them. There were two reasons for this.
First Reason
The appearance of a prophet from among them would in itself be an honour and a blessing.
Second reason
The prophet being a member of their own Group.
Hadith about prayer of Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S)
Allah promised that this prophet would be sent in the last of all ages. Holy Prophet (Pbuh) has said that Allah had chosen him as the Last Prophet at a time when Hazrat Adam (A.S) was not yet born and only his clay was being prepared, and that he was the manifestation of the prayer of his father, Hazrat 1brahim (A.S), of the good tidings brought by Hazrat Eisa (A.S), and of the dream seen by his mother. The Mother of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Amna (R.A) had, during her pregnancy, seen in a dream that a light went out of her which illumined the places in far-off Syria.Functions of the messenger of Allah
First function of messangers of God![]() |
Qurran Pak |
In the case of the Holy Qur'an the words are in themselves as necessary and inalienable a part of the intention as the meanings.If one were to recite this modified version in Salah, one's prayers shall not be valid.
The Arabic word Yatlii which signifies "to follow, to obey", but in the terminology of the Qur'an denotes the recitation or reading of the Holy Qurran.The word also suggests that it is obligatory to read the Holy Qurran exactly as it has been revealed by Allah, and not to add or subtract a word on one's own part, not even to change the pronounciation of a word .
Hence the Fuqah have forbidden the printing and publication of a translation of the Holy Qurran without the Arabic text. It is wrong to speak of an "Urdu Qurran" or "English Qurrrn", simply because a translation of the original into any language cannot properly be called "the Qurran". There are so many people these days who suppose that the Holy Qur'an is like other books, and believe that it is a waste of time to read without knowing what they mean. The recitation of the words of the Holy Qurran is in itself a regular act of worship and brings a great reward.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions knew the meanings of the Holy Qurran as no one else can, and yet they never thought that once they had understood it and acted upon it, nothing more was required of them. They kept reciting the Holy Qurran again and again. Some of the Companions of Holy Prophet(PBUH) used to recite the whole Qurran Pak in a single day, some in two days, and some in three.
Reciting the Holy Qur'an in one week has always been quite a usual practice among the Muslims. Recitation of the Holy Qurran as an act of worship, carrying a reward of its own, Allah has been very merciful to those who are not for some reason yet able to understand the meanings, and has saved them from the misfortune of being indifferent to the words and thus being totally deprived of the blessings which flow from His Book.
Even such Muslims should, no doubt, keep trying to understand the meanings too so that they may receive the blessings in full, and the ultimate purpose of the Revelation Second function of Prophets . (2) According to the present verses, "teaching the Book" is a prophetic function distinct from "reciting the Verses".
We can easily infer from it the principle that in order to understand the Holy Qur9an it is not sufficient merely to know the Arabic language, but that it also requires the "teaching" of the Holy Prophet $& .
As every one knows, in order to learn a science or art - be it medicine or engineering, or something as ordinary as cookery - it is not enough to read a book or to be proficient in a language.
Had it been the only qualification required, one could have easily mastered all the sciences and the arts on which one could find books written in the language one knew.
To learn the meanest craft, then, one needs the regular and constant guidance of a teacher. This being so, how can one hope to understand, unaided, In order to understand the Book of Allah properly it is not enough, to listen to a recitation of the verses. Such an understanding can be acquired only through the teaching of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Allah knows that an understanding of His Book depends on the guidance of a teacher On the guidance, not of an ordinary teacher, but of one who in his turn receives guidance from Allah Himself directly through Revelation Allah has sent the Holy Prophet to men for the explaining to them in detail the injunctions and the meanings of the Qurran Along with "teaching the Qurran" the prophetic functions include the teaching of the principles and modes of spiritual discipline.
Every Muslim, man or woman, should as a Muslim be a life-long student, keen to learn what the Holy Prophet(PBUH) has taught. If one cannot for some reason master the different sciences connected with the Holy Qurran and the Sunnah.
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