Books of Allah
A Muslim should have belief in all the books revealed to the prophets by Allah, but as the Quran is the last revelation of Allah its teachings alone should be followed now.From Hazrat Adam(A.S) to Hazrat Muhammad(pbuh), all the Prophets and apostles received Allah’s revelation. According to tradition, there were one hundred and twenty four thousand Prophets and so naturally there were a large number of revealed books.
Mention is made in the Holy Quran about revelations made to Hazrat Nuh(A.S), Hazrat Ismail(A.S), Hazrat Ishaq(A.S), Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S), Hazrat Musa(A.S), Hazrat Isa(A.S) and the other Prophets.
The well known books mentioned in the Holy Quran are:
(1) Taurat or Torah also known as the Old Testament, is the book revealed to Hazrat Musa as confirmed by the Holy Quran in surah Al-Maida:44
“It was we who revealed The law (Taurat) (to Moses) ”
Taurat describes the creation of the universe as the work and will of one Allah who created the heavens and the earth in six days in the following order: light, water, dry ground, vegetation, sun, moon, birds, animals and finally Hazrat Adam.
Human beings then multiplied from Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawa, Hazrat Nuh(A.S), Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S), Hazrat Ismail(A.S), Hazrat Yaqub(A.S) and Hazrat-yusuf(A.S). It records the enslavement of Bani Israil by the Pharoahs and their deliverance. It narrates how Hazrat Musa (A.S) received the ten commandments of Allah at the Mount of Sinai.
Taurat also discusses the lawful and the unlawful, the clean and the unclean, sacred festivals and reward for good and punishment for evil. It also describes the final instructions of Hazrat Musa(A.S) to his fellow- men after he brought them in the Promised Land of Canaan.
Zabur or the Psalms:
These were revealed to Hazrat Daud.
The Quran says in Surah Al-Nisa verse 163
“We bestowed the Psalms on Daud”.
Injil or the Bible:
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Injil or the Bible also known as the New Testament was revealed to Hazrat Isa, the Holy Quran says:
“We sent Isa the son of Maryam and gave him the Injil. ”
The new Testament is also known as the gospel which means the “good news”. The Bible gives an account of the religion of the Jews and the Christians and of the prophets from Hazrat Adam(A.S) to Hazrat Isa(A.S). It describes the creation of the Universe by Allah and the preaching of Hazrat Isa about the unity and sovereignty of Allah and his prophethood. Hazrat Isa (A.S) confirmed the message of the Torah and also gave the glad tidings of the arrival of a messenger after him, whose name would be Ahmad i.e the ‘praised one’. Muslims accept the text of the gospels as long as they are in conformity with the teachings of Hazrat Ibrahim which quite often they are not.
The principles of religion and the guidance sent by Allah from time to time were common to all the revealed books. However none of these books are available in original form today. Therefore, a Muslim should believe in all these books but he should have faith only in what is contained in the Holy Quran, whose commands are for all times and will neither be changed nor cancelled.
The Holy Quran
All through the ages Allah conveyed His message to people through messengers and prophets. When, with the passage of time, this message was changed or forgotten Allah sent another messenger. The Holy Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the last of the messengers and the Holy Quran is the last Book which is for the whole of mankind and for all times. Allah has Himself taken the responsibility for its protection and preservation.
Qurran is a sacred book
The Holy Quran is a sacred Book, containing guidance for all mankind. Books had been revealed to previous Prophets as well. Although their Books of Allah A Muslim should have belief in all the books revealed to the prophets by Allah, but as the Quran is the last revelation of Allah its teachings alone should be followed now. From Hazrat Adam(A.S) to Hazrat Muhammad(pbuh), all the Prophets and apostles received Allah’s revelation.
According to tradition, there were one hundred and twenty four thousand Prophets and so naturally there were a large number of revealed books.
Mention is made in the Holy Quran about revelations made to Hazrat Nuh(A.S), Hazrat Ismail(A.S), Hazrat Ishaq(A.S), Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S), Hazrat Musa(A.S), Hazrat Isa(A.S) and the other Prophets. The well known books mentioned in the Holy Quran are: Taurat (1) Taurat or Torah also known as the Old Testament, is the book revealed to Hazrat Musa as confirmed by the Holy Quran in surah Al-Maida:44 “
It was He who revealed The law (Taurat) (to Moses) ” Taurat describes the creation of the universe as the work and will of one Allah who created the heavens and the earth in six days in the following order: light, water, dry ground, vegetation, sun, moon, birds, animals and finally Hazrat Adam.
Human beings then multiplied from Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawa, Hazrat Nuh(A.S), Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S), Hazrat Ismail(A.S), Hazrat Yaqub(A.S) and Hazrat-yusuf(A.S). It records the enslavement of Bani Israil by the Pharoahs and their deliverance. It narrates how Hazrat Musa (A.S) received the ten commandments of Allah at the Mount of Sinai.
Taurat also discusses the lawful and the unlawful, the clean and the unclean, sacred festivals and reward for good and punishment for evil. It also describes the final instructions of Hazrat Musa(A.S) to his fellow- men after he brought them in the Promised Land of Canaan. Zabur or the Psalms: These were revealed to Hazrat Daud. The Quran says in Surah Al-Nisa verse 163 “We bestowed the Psalms on Daud”.
Injil or the Bible: Injil or the Bible also known as the New Testament was revealed to Hazrat Isa, the Holy Quran says: “We sent Isa the son of Maryam and gave him the Injil. ” (57:27) The new Testament is also known as the gospel which means the “good news”. The Bible gives an account of the religion of the Jews and the Christians and of the prophets from Hazrat Adam(A.S) to Hazrat Isa(A.S).
It describes the creation of the Universe by Allah and the preaching of Hazrat Isa about the unity and sovereignty of Allah and his prophethood. Hazrat Isa (A.S) confirmed the message of the Torah and also gave the glad tidings of the arrival of a messenger after him, whose name would be Ahmad i.e the ‘praised one’.
Muslims accept the text of the gospels as long as they are in conformity with the teachings of Hazrat Ibrahim which quite often they are not. The principles of religion and the guidance sent by Allah from time to time were common to all the revealed books.
However none of these books are available in original form today. Therefore, a Muslim should believe in all these books but he should have faith only in what is contained in the Holy Quran, whose commands are for all times and will neither be changed nor cancelled.
The Holy Quran All through the ages Allah conveyed His message to people through messengers and prophets. When, with the passage of time, this message was changed or forgotten Allah sent another messenger. The Holy Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the last of the messengers and the Holy Quran is the last Book which is for the whole of mankind and for all times. Allah has Himself taken the responsibility for its protection and preservation. Qurran is a sacred book
The Holy Quran is a sacred Book, containing guidance for all mankind. Books had been revealed to previous Prophets as well. Although their basic teachings and commandments were similar, yet these books were for the needs of a particular people or period and did not meet the requirements of all humanity. Quran is a complete book
The Quran is a complete Book which provides guidance in all spheres of human activity.It is a miracle. Its teachings are for all times and conditions. The Arabic word Quran means reading or recitation. The Quran is a record of the revelations or commands sent by Allah and received by Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) through angel Jibrael.
The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) over a period of several years. Revelations started in the fortieth year of Hazrat Muhammad’s(pbuh ) life when he was appointed the prophet of Allah and continued for twenty-three years. As he approached the fortieth year of his life, the Holy Prophet(pbuh) would spend most of his time in worship and solitude in the cave of Hira.
Once, while he was in worship there, Hazrat Jibrael appeared and told him to read. “I cannot read”, he replied. This was repeated three time after which the angel pressed him to his breast and recited the first five verses of Surah Iqra also known as Surah Alaq. It was the first revelation of Qurran .
The angel then disappeared, leaving the Holy Prophet(pbuh in a disturbed state) of mind. He returned home and told his experience to his wife, Khadija. He said that he feared he may not be able to bear the burden and might die. Hazrat Khadija consoled him and said that Allah will not let such a thing happen to him because he led a good life and spoke the truth.
She then went to her cousin Warqa bin Naufil who declared that Muhammad (pbuh) he(Pbuh) was Allah’s messenger. There was a break between the first and second revelation. Then the first seven verses of Surah Muddassir were revealed. After that, revelations were received by the Holy Prophet(pbuh )from time to time until the final revelation on the occasion of the last pilgrimage in 10 A.H. As soon as he received a revelation, the Holy Prophet(pbuh) communicated it to his followers. He asked them not only to learn it by heart in order to recite during prayers, but also to write it down. These revelations were written on stone tablets, date palm leaves and bones of camels.
The Holy Quran was revealed in portions and its arrangement was done by the Holy Prophet(pbuh) under Divine guidance. Whenever a Surah or an ayat was revealed it was given its specific place and written by the scribes under the direction of the Holy Prophet(pbuh). The Holy Quran addresses man directly and encourages him to adopt the right path.
It aims at purifying the heart and mind of man and moulds his character. It gives an account of the creation of the heavens and earth, and of man himself. It tells us about Allah, angels and the prophets who came before the Holy Prophet(pbuh). It gives a detailed explanation of life after death, day of judgement and the reward of good and punishment for evil deeds.
A Muslim is required to read and study the Holy Quran regularly. It is the word of Allah and a Blessed Book containing a complete code of life. It should be studied with the object of acting in accordance with its teachings and as a source of guidance in all matters. basic teachings and commandments were similar, yet these books were for the needs of a particular people or period and did not meet the requirements of all humanity.
Quran is a complete book
The Quran is a complete Book which provides guidance in all spheres of human activity.It is a miracle. Its teachings are for all times and conditions.
The Arabic word Quran means reading or recitation. The Quran is a record of the revelations or commands sent by Allah and received by Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) through angel Jibrael.
The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) over a period of several years. Revelations started in the fortieth year of Hazrat Muhammad’s(pbuh ) life when he was appointed the prophet of Allah and continued for twenty-three years.
As he approached the fortieth year of his life, the Holy Prophet(pbuh) would spend most of his time in worship and solitude in the cave of Hira.
Once, while he was in worship there, Hazrat Jibrael appeared and told him to read. “I cannot read”, he replied. This was repeated three time after which the angel pressed him to his breast and recited the first five verses of Surah Iqra also known as Surah Alaq. It was the first revelation of Qurran .The angel then disappeared, leaving the Holy Prophet(pbuh in a disturbed state) of mind.
He returned home and told his experience to his wife, Khadija. He said that he feared he may not be able to bear the burden and might die. Hazrat Khadija consoled him and said that Allah will not let such a thing happen to him because he led a good life and spoke the truth. She then went to her cousin Warqa bin Naufil who declared that Muhammad (pbuh) was Allah’s messenger.
There was a break between the first and second revelation. Then the first seven verses of Surah Muddassir were revealed. After that, revelations were received by the Holy Prophet(pbuh )from time to time until the final revelation on the occasion of the last pilgrimage in 10 A.H.
As soon as he received a revelation, the Holy Prophet(pbuh) communicated it to his followers. He asked them not only to learn it by heart in order to recite during prayers, but also to write it down. These revelations were written on stone tablets, date palm leaves and bones of camels.
The Holy Quran was revealed in portions and its arrangement was done by the Holy Prophet(pbuh) under Divine guidance. Whenever a Surah or an ayat was revealed it was given its specific place and written by the scribes under the direction of the Holy Prophet(pbuh).
The Holy Quran addresses man directly and encourages him to adopt the right path. It aims at purifying the heart and mind of man and moulds his character.
It gives an account of the creation of the heavens and earth, and of man himself. It tells us about Allah, angels and the prophets who came before the Holy Prophet(pbuh). It gives a detailed explanation of life after death, day of judgement and the reward of good and punishment for evil deeds.
A Muslim is required to read and study the Holy Quran regularly. It is the word of Allah and a Blessed Book containing a complete code of life. It should be studied with the object of acting in accordance with its teachings and as a source of guidance in all matters.
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