Calf and samri (stories from Qurran)
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Koh-toor |
covenant with Hazrat Musa (A.S)
After Fir`awn's destruction Hazrrat Musa (A.S) traveled with the Children of Israel .And they came upon a people devoted to some of idols. They said: "O Musa! Make for us god as they have gods.'' He said: "Verily, you are a people who know not.Verily, these people will be destroyed for that which they are engaged in. And all that they are doing is in vain.''Allah made a covenant with Hazrat Musa (A.S) forty nights in all. The covenant was that he was to fast these number of days, during both the day and night.
Musa(A.S) went to koh-Toor:
Thus, Musa (A.S) made haste to go to the Mountain and he left his brother, Harun, in charge over the Children of Israel. They have arrived and are settled near the Mountain.Worshipping of calf :
In the absence of Hazrrat Musa(A.S) they began to worship a calf.Allah informed him (A.S)of what they were doing in his absence .He became extremely angry and upset with them. He was very worried for them.
Recieving Tawrrah
During this time he received the Tawrah, which contained their Shari`ah Law, this was a great honor for them. For they were a people who used to worship other than Allah.Every person with sound reason and good sense could see that what they were doing was false and foolish.
Musa (A.S) returned back:
Mesa(A.S) returned to them in a state of anger and sorrow.Hazrrat Musa (A.S) said:"Did He not promise you in that which I have spoken to you, every good in this life and in the Hereafter, and the good end in the final outcome of things You have already witnessed how He helped you defeat your enemy Fir`awn and He made you victorious over him and He blessed you with other bounties as well through His help.''
Lame excuses
They answered Hazrrat Musa (A.S)“We broke not our promise to you of our own will, by our power and our choice”. Then, they began making lame excuses and they told him how they got rid of that which they were carrying of Coptic jewelry that they had borrowed from them when they left Egypt. Therefore they threw it away. Thus, it became a calf that made a moaning sound that would gradually rise in pitch. This calf was an ordeal, a hindrance and test.
As-Samiri which was a magician suggested that.''This is your god, and the god of Musa. "
So they became religiously devoted to the calf and they loved it with a love that they had never loved anything else with before. '' but to As-Samiri abandoned what he was following of the religion of Islam.
This calf's name was Bahmut. They claimed that they were merely ridding themselves of the jewelry of the Copts. In the process of doing so, they cast the jewelry into the pit of fire and ended up worshipping the calf. Thus, they were seeking to rid themselves of something detestable, but wound up doing something even worse.Hazrrat Harun who was Hazrrat Musa’s brother attempted to prohibit them from worshipping the calf .He told them that this was only a test for them. He told them that their Lord was the Most Beneficent, Who created everything and decreed for everything its just measure. He is the Owner of the Mighty Throne, the One Who does whatever He wants. But They said: "We will not cease in our worship of this calf until we hear what Musa has to say about it.'' So they opposed Harun in this matter and they fought against him, nearly killing him.
when Musa returned to his people and saw the great matter that had taken place among them. With this he became filled with anger and he threw down the Divine Tablets that he had in his hand. Then, he grabbed his brother Harun by his head and pulled him towards himself.
“He blammed Haroon by saying
“What prevented you when you saw them going astray; "You should have informed me of this matter as soon as it happened,Have you then disobeyed my order In that which I entrusted to you.''
Hazrat Harun said: "O son of my mother!'' Seize me not by my beard, nor by my head! I was afraid to come after you and inform you of this, because I thought you might accuse me of leaving them alone and causing division between them.''
Hazrat Musa said to As-Samiri, "What caused you to do what you did What presented such an idea to you causing you to do this''
As-Samiri was a man from the people of Bajarma, a people who worshipped cows. He still had the love of cow worshipping in his soul. However, he acted as though he had accepted Islam with the Children of Israel. His name was Musa bin Zafar.'' He was from the village of Samarra.''
Samiri said: " "I saw Jibril when he came to destroy Fir`awn.''
So I took a handful Qabdah palmful from the hoof print of Jibril's horse. As-Samiri threw what was in his hand onto the jewelry of the Children of Israel and it became molded into the body of a calf, which made a light moaning sound. The wind that blew into it was the cause of its sound.'' Thus, he said, "I threw it along with those who were throwing jewelry , Thus my inner self suggested to me.''
Hazrat Musa said: "Then go away! And verily, your punishment in this life will be that you will say: `Touch me not.''' i.e. those who have their disease today still say `Do not touch.'''
Hazrat Musa(A.S) was saying to them, "This is not your god. Your God is only Allah, the One Whom there is no true God except Him. Worship is not befitting to anyone except Him. For everything is in need of Him and everything is His servant.
Surah Taha :83 to 98
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